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Planting info for last frost date of 17-24 March

12 years ago

Based upon last frost date of 17-20 March period:

15 March - Cabbage and Cauliflower (start indoors)

29 March - Broccoli (start indoors)

5 Apr - Onion sets can be planted outside

12 Apr - Leaf lettuce (start indoors)

12 Apr - Peas and spinach start planting in weekly succession outside

19 Apr - Cabbage and cauliflower can be moved outside. Protect plants with row covers while growing to keep off small white butterflies - their caterpillar larvae are destructive - ruined my cabbage completely last year.

19 Apr - start planting turnip and radish seed outside

26 Apr - start planting beets and potato outside

26 Apr - tomato and peppers (start inside)

3 May - plant out broccoli and leaf lettuce

10 May - chard and carrots (plant outside)

17 May - spinach and radish should be ready to start harvesting

17 May - melons, cucumbers and squash (start inside)

24 May - okra, pumpkins (start inside)

24 May - personal experience - I would start taking tomato and pepper plants outside this week for an hour at a time, in the shade, the following week 2 hours and gradually increase time spent outside and start exposing to sun. Alternatively you can plant in sun but I would set up a shade cloth (old sheet nailed on top of embedded wooden stakes i the ground) for a week or more.

24 May - okra and pumpkins (start indoors)

31 May - green/yellow bush beans, beans and sweet corn (plant outside) - corn will fail if planted in cold ground

7 Jun - melons, cucumbers, squash move outside and plant (I've planted seed directly outside earlier than this and cucumber starts are sold on May long weekend so these could probably be started in the second week of May from my experience)

14 Jun - plant outside okra and pumpkin plants outside. (My personal experience I direct seeded okra seeds during the May long weekend and had bumper crop).

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