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Spicebush Swallowtails and Gulf Frit Eggs

10 years ago

I was happy to see a female gulf frit laying eggs on some of the passionvines in my garden today. I like to have a LOT of gulf frits, so I'll raise these myself - if I don't, a wasp, predatory stink bug, or possibly a bird might get them.

There have been a lot of male spicebush swallowtails nectaring in my garden. I got this picture of one of them -


My two spicebush swallowtail chrysalides still haven't emerged (are they going to overwinter already?) and the three little spicebush cats are progressing nicely.

The two tiger cats have lost their saddle and are getting big. Tigers are SO slow compared to many other caterpillars, but they're worth it.

I've released all the long-tailed skippers, both variegated frits, and all but one of the buckeyes. I found three little buckeye cats on some Agalinis up close to the main road. Knowing that they'd soon be mowing, I brought them in to raise myself. This morning, they mowed - if the buckeyes had still been on that plant or one nearby, they'd have been mowed down! I'll take weeds myself.

'Still no black, pipevine, or giant swallowtails! :(


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