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What I Saw Today

12 years ago

Hi everyone,

The wild common milkweed is starting to bloom here at last! My WS common milkweed is still kinda puny but the swamp milkweed is doing great! Not blooming but still growing. Anyway, when mom and I were on a walk, I saw the dreaded milkweed beetles on them. They were quickly removed thanks to my walking stick (an old wooden broom handle). The blooming ones were out of reach and I couldn't get to. The ones I got the bugs off of weren't blooming yet.

On the plus side of things, while mom and I were headed downtown, I spotted butterfly weed in bloom growing wild alongside the road! It's so beautiful! Now I know what to look forward to with my WS butterfly weed!

How's everyone's gardens doing? Anyone here in PA seen Monarchs yet? Or is it too early for them yet? I've had my first two visitors to my butterfly bush: a cabbage white and an eastern tiger swallowtail (black form)! Yay!!!

Brad AKA Moonwolf

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