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Time for: What I will do differently this year...

13 years ago

I learned soooo much this year. Here's what I will change for next year:

1. I will only use bubble paint to mark my containers

2. I will NOT take off the tops completely (some got water logged) I will only cut more slits/holes in the sides for ventilation when it gets warmer

3. I will NOT grow flowers that I don't really care for just because I have seeds and I will RESIST the flowers that only want lots of sun (I have much shade)

4. I will get my containers ready (except the name of the seed on it) before the end of the year to make Feb easier.

5. I will only use large styrofoam cups to pot up because they're easier to write the name of the plant on the lip of the cup with a marker. (Not to mention they're really cheap)

6. I will not make as much of a mess in the garage storing all the necessary items so DH doesn't give me that look.

7. I will make a concerted effort to save more seeds at the end of the season next year to give back!!!

8. I will let Ollie (golden retriever) pee on a few of my plants and not get too upset.


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