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New focus/lightbulb moments

18 years ago

I am one of those that gets focused in on something and can't see anything else until the lightbulb suddenly goes off. I have been looking at all of your posts and seeing very beautiful, lush, (much greener than mine), plants, and wondering how I will ever get anything to grow in my burning hot sun of a yard. All of a sudden I had a lightbulb moment. I have been totally ignoring 2 corners of my yard. I have been focusing on the areas that are around the patio (which are full sun, no shade at all yet), and ignoring the rest. But when I really started looking, I realized that I have a corner that actually gets shade in the afternoon. (So much shade in the winter that it never dries out and gets moldy!) It would make a great little sitting area. I think I can plant some plants that require a little more shade there, and actually make it pretty. The other corner is the end of my pool where the steps are. I have palm trees there (so lots of water) and ice plant covering the whole area. Again, lightbulb moment when I realized that it gets some afternoon shade also, so I can do semi-tropical look (hopefully) with Canna's and ferns that might possibly stay green. Now if I can only make it look in real life as it does in my dreams...

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