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I need a good hedge variety for hot S. Texas

12 years ago

Purpose is for a hedge, even 10 ft. is plenty tall. I am in Mathis, Tx 78368. This summer is exceptionally hot and dry, have had highs of 111-112 degrees. Must be cold tolerant to about 10 degrees. Full sun. Drought is not an issue as I have drip irrigation from a well.

I bought 10 rhisomes from an ebay vender 2 months ago. Don't remember variety name, but it definitely was one for southern climate and advertised as being heat tolerant to 105 deg. Put them in 1 gal pots with Baccto under a shaded carport. NOT ONE of them sprouted, they are all dead.

The daytime highs are only slighly cooler under the carport than out in the open maybe it was still just too hot for them to survive? THere is an incredible number of species, and google isn't turning up any good specific info on heat tolerance....most of the time the min. temperature is given instead.

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