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Need Help with Lucky Bamboo ( not real boo I know)

18 years ago

Hi all,

I know that lucky bamboo is not bamboo, but I need HELP!! And didnt know whom to turn to.

The websites that sell these plants dont tell you about resuscitation methods to revive a dying plant do they ?

Anyways, hope someone on this forum will look past the misnomer for the plant and still help or point me in the right direction..

My lucky bamboo plant is quite tall, about 1.5 foot in the vase, After a few weeks , it started yellowing and no amount of water helped. It came with a gel like substance which started smelling later on, so I removed it and put a mix of soil and water ( bottled) .. it thrived for a while and I kept replenishing it as and when required with soil and H20.

Now about a week before, its leaves are again turning yellow!! The stalks are thin , and the foliage is thin too. :-(

Any remedies out there? One stalk of the circular twisted bunch has been yellow for a long time but the leaves are green. Is it a goner?

Can I cut off all the stalks and hope that new ones will come from the nodes. If so what is the right way to do it?

Many questions, I know, but please tolerate in view of desperately trying to save a beloved plant :-(



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