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Garlic Plants are Coming Up (Fall 2014)

I planted some garlic bulbs about 2-3 weeks ago. And they are popping up now. The first ones to come up are the hardneck varieties, most of them. Then the softneck white garlic.

Do not see any move from the bulbils, from tiny to the large ones.

I'll just need to watch the garlic sprouts closely. I just hope they can make through the winter without problems.

I think next year I'd want to plant the garlic in early November. Most of the sources I see say to plant them in mid October.

Also, the store softneck white garlic has no problem to sprout. I also planted two containers indoors and all of them sprouted to about 2"-3" tall now. I do not know the variety. But the out layer has huge cloves (like Music cloves). The inside layer has small to tiny cloves. I planted the tiny ones in my indoor pots.

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