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Recommended: Cement to fill hole in tree. Yes or no?


I had three tree trimming companies come out to give me estimates on tree work. My 35 year old silver Maple in the front yard (focal point for the house and provides a lot of shade)has two holes where limbs were removed about 13 years ago. The first fellow said it couldn't be saved, had to be cut down (I could have cried) and the cost would be over $3,000. The second fellow said he could put cement in the cavities and it would heal over and after he took a lot of weight off by trimming the heavy limbs that the tree would be fine. Third guy also said it didn't need to be taken down but the cement wasn't needed to fill the holes. My question is this...have any of you had experience with putting cement in a tree? I asked if he could use insulation expanding foam and he told me the squirrels would chew it out of the tree and I have tons of ornery squirrels around here. Sorry this is so long...Any help you can offer from your own experiences would be appreciated.

Tina from Kansas City area

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