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Going to try this - tell me if I'm totally wrong please

15 years ago


I'm going to take all my courage in both hands and actually try this winter sowing business - I think it's technically still winter and sure feels like it here in Boston. I have cosmos seeds of a couple of different varieties that I am going to sow in clear plastic containers (the ones you can buy strawberries in in the grocery store)containing approximately 3" - 4" of moist seed starting mix (Miracle gro) or pre-swelled peat pellets and just put outside in the frigid cold temperatures and if you guys are correct, I should get seedlings from this process?

I have a few questions:

(1) Are those containers too flimsy in terms of the plastic not being heavy duty enough?

(2) Are the precut holes too big - do I need to cover them or make them smaller?

(3) Do I need to enclose the container in a Ziploc type bag or some other thing since it still can fall to below freezing especially at night?

(4) Should they be mostly in the sun or mostly in the shade?

(5) Will they really survive?

Thank you for any answers,


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