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Ginkgo tree offered to be dug up NOW or never

11 years ago

Hello -

I was offered a ginkgo that's maybe 10-15' high (looks like maybe around 12'?). Hard to pass up as it's one of my favorite trees. What isn't known is whether it's male or female, how big the root ball will be for transporting (will they sell a big enough plastic pot of some sort?) and if it will survive being dug up. If I don't take it in the next couple of days her friend's going to. :(

My understanding is that these trees should only be transplanted in the Spring.

Questions are:

- Is that true? Is there some way to dig up the tree and keep it alive, even if I don't put it in the ground till Spring? Is there a way to put it in the ground now, or is that just too great a risk?
-Any clue as to how deep I'll have to dig - how long it'll take two people to dig it up?
- Is there a pot big enough (cheap kind you get rid of after) for a tree that size? If so, certain soil to buy?
- Is it a big deal if it's the kind that has the fruit with the rotten bad smell? How long does that last for, if you know? Will it be so bad that I'll have to get rid of the tree? I read you often don't know if it's the "safe" (non-smelly) kind for 20 years.

Thank you! It's hard to pass up a free ginkgo!! Such a shame they can't wait till Spring!

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