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10 years ago

While debating and pondering placement of my wish list roses and thinking about which I should order. I realized that I had another area that I need to pick for as well and figure I can fill out a box with one of my wishlists roses and let it grow while I debate where to place.

I am recycling a frame for a rather large (11x16 I think) sized canvas covered patio shade house things-minus the canvas. I am going to use with the two heavy and set in far more concrete than I care to break out posts that I am using for grapes. The frame will go sort of in between the posts with heavy wire running through the top. This leaves me with either 2 or 4 corners I can plant big climbing roses in. The spot gets sun most of the day, but shade late.

If I remember correctly, Jeri said that the yellow/orange Tea-Noisettes do well here. I already have Alister Stella Gray, Crespuscule and Reve d'Or.

I would love to have roses that bloom regularly and have a lot of scent.

What do you all think of:

William Allen Richardson
Bouquet d'Or
Jaune Desprez
Madame Berard
Manchester Guardian Angel

William Allen Richardson is said to be low thorn, anyone know for sure?

Would love to hear your thoughts on these.

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