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Music to Garden By

14 years ago

My neighbor's lawn guy does his work attached to an MP3 player filled with Mozart, et al. DH has asked me "why don't you listen to music when your in the yard?" My answer "I like the sounds of nature." Well, the worm has turned!

Afer recently watching the movie "Mama Mia" with no inkling that it was a musical full of Abba songs (I absolutely loved it!), I was inspired (compelled) to buy their "Number Ones" CD. Well, I just loaded the CD on my computer, and wow!! could I dig up a storm with this blasting in my head!! "Money, Money, Money", "Dancing Queen", "Fernando", "SOS"... Oh, I CAN'T WAIT till Saturday. I hope the neighbors like my sing-along. :)) Look out weeds!!! I've found the Fountain of Youth!!!

How about you!

Groovin' Sherry

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