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conflicting info, Serenade is good, and compost tea

16 years ago

Okay..have any of you ever noticed how there are varying report out there for what to do with roses. For one, I read that roses don't like their leaves wet. I have been careful not to get them wet and I have mildew and BS. So then I read that a good strong hose of water helps get the spores off? HUH? Then also spray the beejeebeers out of them to get rid of Aphids and Thrips..both which I have..I water deeply twice a week..and don't get the leaves wet. Well I got a strong spray and sprayed them. Then I used a compost tea as a foliar spray. Two weeks ago I mulched them with some new mulch on top with coffee grounds from Starbucks, and newspaper under the roses with BS to keep the spores off them. Then a week later a very diluted dose of Miracle grow. I also have used twice on them SERENADE Disase Control. I must admit I have hardly any BS now. I am proud. But I am figuring this out as I go along. For those of you confused..just do like I did..try what works in your area.

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