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Zone 5, please tell me if I can still plant these.

It's Oct 19, and once again, I think I have stalled too long. I lost my motivation during this summer's July heat wave, and never got it back. Everything that I was not sure about where to plant, was not planted.

I have about 10 perennials left to plant. If any of these still can be planted, please let me know. Otherwise I will cut out the pot bottoms, and sink them into my vegetable garden, cage, and cover with leaves.

Heuchera Bressingham hybrids (That's all the tag says) (quart)

Heuchera Caramel (gallon)

Heucherella Brass Lantern (gallon)

Heucherella Yellowstone Falls (gallon)

Daylily Highland Lord (gallon)

Daylily Pardon Me (quart)

Autumn fern, (quarts) least it's only 10...this is an improvement for me. :) Thanks!

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