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zinnias -epic fail but out of control seed mania takes hold.

11 years ago

I spent what felt like enormous sums on various zinnia seeds this year, planning a full-on riot of colour with the dahlias - only for it to be the crappest zinnia summer in living memory. The poor snivelling things simply sat, minuscule and reluctant to unfurl so much as a leaf- I even sowed them in Jiffy 7's and not just the usual old trays. Bah!

So, in a frantic attempt at self-cheering, I remembered to get the orders for the sweet peas in early -Yes, I know they are annuals....

So, along with my new delph seeds, I also bought a slew of pinks, many foxgloves - and, after the horridly huge skanky pink things offending my eyes this year, I went all out for sterility with Polkadot hybrids, Pippa and Polly, Dalmation purple and little yellow grandifloras. Best of all, sweet peas including a couple of fabulous New Zealand varieties (they breed some great plants there) including Blue Shift and the amazing Erewhon, a L.odoratus/bellinensis hybrid.

I seem to be having a full-on English garden moment.

Haven't even mentioned the annual tulip mania which raises my blood pressure and heart rate while emptying out my purse. Anyone else having a spree? - although it always feels a bit more virtuous, buying seeds....and certainly cheaper.

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