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Questions about placement in a Perennial Bed

I seem to have trouble with this. I try to get it right the first time, but more often then not I am moving things around too much. I usually end up with the mature plants being too close to each other. I am not taking the time to look up the width of each plant and measuring. I try to eyeball it and it doesn't look good to me when the plants are small and too far apart.

The second issue I have is getting the heights correct. For instance, in a full sun bed, from morning to evening, I assume you put all full sun plants in the bed, but inevitably, something is shading something else. I guess you could line them up with all the tallest plants on the north side of the bed, going down to the shortest, but then it looks too rigid and predictable to me. Then, what do you do with the east and west side, because unless all the plants are the same height across the middle, they are going to get shaded. If I put a tall plant in the middle, then plants on either side are only getting a half day of sun. This gives me a problem because I want to use edging plants that are for full sun all around the perimeter of the bed but then they don't always thrive in the areas other than south.

So, I thought I would check to see how everyone else works this out for themselves. Is there some rule of thumb that makes this more straight forward? I suppose this isn't as much of a problem in a long deep border, but I am working with a small property and the full sun bed I am having trouble with is about 20ft square.



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