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A few questions about African Violets (potting and propagation)..

12 years ago

Hi! Newbie AV lover here and I've been searching and reading this AV forum for days and days, learning different aspects of care for these happy plants.

I have a couple questions that I haven't been able to find the answer to with Google or forum searches (not hitting the perfect search terms, I guess). Questions at the end of post.

Background on Plants:

--The plants in the blue pots are all from HD, purchased 2-3 months ago. The one without flowers was repotted into a 50/50 mix of AV soil & perlite about 3 weeks ago or less. I'd cut the blooms of before repotting to let the plant concentrate on the move and you might be able to see that it has many buds. (it was my least favorite of the plants and so was my "test run" before I repotted the other plants)

--The plant in the butterfly bucket is new as of last week, from a local nursery and was set with these plants for the photo op. (and apparently not staged very well, as its pot isn't properly positioned in the bucket, sorry!)



--These are all still in the pots they came in but after reading, I believe the pots are actually too large for them all? Should I get smaller pots and pot them down or don't fix what isn't broken?

--How long does leaf propagation take? Not to get the plantlets but until the plant is mature enough to bloom?

Being easily addicted and thinking that I may be able to use my babies as gifts for various plant loving acquaintances and relatives, I've already started several attempts at leaf propagation. The first leaf has been going for maybe 3 weeks and still looks healthy, so I guess it's going well.

Thank you so much!!!

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