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2 Composting Tips

16 years ago

Hi. just wanted to pass two things on. Last week I went to Lowes to buy some steel mesh to make a compost bin, and they offered me a $100 Biostack composter for $25 because it was the display model and they wanted to get rid of it. If you need an affordable composter maybe you could try asking places if they have a display they will sell for a good price.

The second was an idea someone else passed on to me. If you keep an old or cheap blender in your kitchen (that you don't intend to use for food anymore), you can throw your composting scraps in, and when you are ready just add a little compost tea or other liquid, blend it up, and throw it in your bin. It will compost a lot faster as very small particles. Just don't overdo it on the liquid and make sure you balance things. If I have too much liquid, I add some shredded newspaper or leaves to keep things at the proper moisture level.

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