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beds along the edge of the woods

Last fall, I started a lasagna bed along the edge of the woods in my back yard. This year I'd like to extend it farther along the edge.

My question is to those of you who have such beds. How do you maintain the area between the bed and the woods? I have about two feet between the back of the bed and the edge of the woods, where the leaves on the woods floor start. It is a very open woody area - really nothing but some tall oaks, several small scrub trees, lots of virginia creeper, some poison ivy (which I've been steadily beating back over the years) and lots and lots of dead leaves. There is such an expanse of leaves because I've been clearing the poison ivy, and what used to be a sea of green (PI) is now a sea of brown leaves. Eventually I'd like to get in there and clean it out and plant some woodland stuff, but that's in the future...

There is some weedy grass in this two-foot stretch, and that is what I'm trying to deal with. Should I just extend the bed back into the woods a bit more to meet the leaves? Should I pile wood chips along this strip (which would make it hard to rake in fall)? Or should I just buy a weed-whacker, lol?

I guess I didn't think this through when I made the bed. Does anyone do anything specific in this situation, or do you just weed-whack? I do have some bluebells in this 2-ft stretch, so I can't weed-whack till they are gone. Like I said, I didn't think this through...



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