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Anrther clematis post.... Huldine performing at last!

I have been trying to get a Huldine to grow well on a tuteur (obelisk) in the front garden for 5 years now! Last year it was starting to finally look like it might get showy someday.... So we didn't cut it back quite so hard this spring. Well, this is finally the summer for it to put on a show! It's hard to get a good picture of it; the iron tuteur is 8' tall - the bottom 18-24" is hidden by the shrubs in the foreground in this picture. The messy-looking white flowers in the background is the Persicaria polymorpha just starting to turn brown:

There are some other clematises planted on the tuteur to grow with the Huldine but this year they can't compete! You can see a couple trying to show their faces in this closer view near the base on the NE side (Nike[?] on a tripod by the garage in the background):

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