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I Need a 'Professional' AV Growing in Fort Laud.

17 years ago

Are there any professional African Violet growers in the N.E. Fort Lauderdale Fla. area? you know, I mean a REAL intense grower that has been growing them and or showing them for years and years,and have next to no deaths in your collection?

I am not going to risk these 'operations' I am willing to hire a 'pro' to do them. I need my 'Winnie The Pooh' repotted and lower by nearly 3 inches into a nice new pot. It has a 3in 'turkey neck',and now it is putting out many suckers at the top growth point that need to be removed. I dont want to loose this plant. I love my Winnie The Pooh, it just got away from me. I did try lowering my last one,it died within days! I found this one and have been growing it for over 2 years. I know it needs to be repotted and lowered A LOT. I cant do it.

The second one is a HUGE Rebels Splatter Kake, that is tilted severely to the side,no matter how many times I turned it,I missed 1 week and now it wont turn back and go straight up. It needs work!, and also has a 2-3 in neck, PLUS a ring of suckers on the neck that might be able to be saved and planted?? I have been taking off the giant leaves of this plant, to make it stay on the window ledge, but it is so big I have to remove leaves as they get just to big!! and it is blooming, and it is THE splatter Kake I want!. I dont want to loose this one either. I cant find any plant anywhere near this size or quality, and have grown it from a 2 in Solo cup to this size for the past 2-3 years. It is over a foot from side to side and in bloom and full of suckers now.

I give up trying to get rid of turkey necks and do things like this. SO...I am willing to pay someone to do it for me. If they dont make it, I won't hold you responsable. But I thank they will have a better chance in a 'pros' hands. there anyone here in the N.E. Ft.Laud.area? I need help ASAP. My email is on here, drop me a line and let me know how to reach you and bring you my plants. I hope this posting is allowed. If it isnt, someone tell me before it is deleted,if anyone runs the forum???

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