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New Rose Garden -One Year Later

13 years ago

Last year I posted here, all excited about starting an Old Rose garden. As you warned me, I had planted too many roses for the space...the voles thinned them out:(.

I think opinion was divided about my keeping the old dogwood trunk...I'm so glad I did. No surprise, I have expanded the garden, and I likely will again. as soon as the tree limb that shades the back of the shed is cut...The shade here was the one live limb of the dogwood which was cut.

Here is my garden site last year:



Here it is this year:



I love this rose Reine des Violettes:


And that old tree is perfect for a clematis:


The new area is here - it gets seven hours of sun a day, mainly morning sun.


There is a five foot spacing on the roses on the outside (Austins). The inside row is smaller roses, but still spaced well, and the row next to the shed is the largest spacing for a tea and a Noisette. There will be a substantial trellis across the back for Sombreuil. I mainly bought roses you have written about here. Souvenir de la Malmaison, Sombreuil, Mrs. BR Cant, Lemon Spice, Some Austins, and I bought Quatre Saisons Blanc Mousseuse because I adore the bloom. I am really enjoying this garden. I have some hybrid teas, and a monstrous New Dawn, but these are special, and I thank you very much for all the information on this site.


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