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leaf-cutter bees

10 years ago

LEAF-CUTTER BEES have been visiting our garden. If you have not seen their work, this is the "damage" they do.

But don't worry!

These are native bees, important as pollinators. Their sting isn't dangerous, and they use this material in the spring, to build their nests. (I gather that the larvae eat aphids!)

They are about the size of a honeybee, but darker, and they are "solitary" bees. They don't live in colonies. They're very picky about which leaves they use (apparently, they like "Grandmother's Hat) -- a friend just told me that she'd seen one carrying a circle of bright red Bougainvillea.

Learn more about Leafcutter bees at:

Here is a link that might be useful: Leaf-Cutter Bees Information

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