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reclusive neighbor ignoring pruning needs

15 years ago

Hello, I really just want to get a little feedback to my decision. I live on a small lot, 33 x 70, and live next to a reclusive neighbor who has long neglected any upkeep to his house. I don't think he has much money, he doesn't have a job that I know of. He doesn't own a car or have a phone or leave the house much at all. Anyway, his lot is equally small and smack up against mine. In his backyard there is an old apple tree, maybe 60 years old and half of the branches spread out into my yard. It was planted (?) right next to the property line and we now share it's crown. It's three stories tall, and filled with beautiful blossoms in the spring. It is also filled with dead wood and squirrel's nests and I have gotten some estimates for pruning it. It is most definitely his tree and his responsibility, but he will never have this pruning done. I got an estimate for $495 today for pruning out the dead wood, clearing it from the electric wires. Also for cutting down a young elm that has sprouted up that is now taller than the apple. I know this should be his responsibility and it is but he won't do it and I'm tired of looking at this tree in such a sad state. It covers half of my yard and I like the sense of enclosure it gives my new deck and I don't want it cut down. I could just deal with my half of the tree in terms of pruning but I would still have to look at the gnarled, dead wood on his side. The arborist that came over today seemed pretty amazed that I would do this. "I wish my neighbors would pay to have my trees pruned!" But this neighbor of mine is unable/unwilling to do anything about it. He mows his lawn at 11:00 at night! He is a strange guy. Anyway I was just wondering if anyone else has any similar stories to share. Am I crazy for doing this? $495 seems like a lot. Thanks.

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