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Is composted manure safe (non-burning)?

I bought some bags of composted manure yesterday. I was planning to top-dress some perennial and bulb beds with this. I've read that sometimes manure can "burn" plants. Do I need to worry about this, since it is "composted"?

Last fall I bought mushroom compost, which I really liked. I believe (correct me if I've misunderstood!) that this is also manure, that has been aged and sterilized before growing mushrooms on it. After use it is sold as "Mushroom compost". It was really soft, fine, and crumbly. But now it's $4 a bag! With the amount I need I will have to wait for it to go on sale again in fall.

Before you tell me to make my own, there is no room for a compost pile/bin in this tiny yard, nor any place left to hide one; and my DH would get rid of it if I tried. I would have to sacrifice a tree, shrub, or plant to squeeze one in. I would love to make my own; maybe someday when I have a bigger yard. I grew up in the country, with a huge compost pile: my folks were doing it back in the days when they had to explain what it was.

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