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The Waiting Game.....Pictures to pass the time!

15 years ago

This time of year is tough, and those of you in the cold zones know what I'm feeling. God bless those who already have roses blooming so that they can show us new and exciting photos to drool over while all I can offer now are last June's images. I really do like you folks. I try so hard not to feel jealousy, but honestly....I am green with envy. The problem is my roses aren't. They're not green at all.

Just twigs, and for the modern roses, brown or black twigs with a few inches of green at the very bottom after I un-mound them, which I can't do yet since those darn forsythias aren't blooming yet. My crocus are just barely popping up. Lucky for me, my sweethearts, the gallicas, albas, damasks, mosses, centifolias, and scotch roses are alive to the tips but right now you wouldn't know it to look at them. They're just bare, with no leaf buds in sight except for on the rugosas who are showing the teensiest bit of green life. The thing about these old roses is they are smart.

Yes, my roses are intelligent. They know better than to start leafing out when just yesterday there were snow squalls and its below freezing at night. They aren't fooled by the 55-degree "heat" us northerners shed our

coats for to pull on t-shirts and shorts. YES...that's all it takes after a long winter. Once it hits 65 people are heading to the beach to try to get their tans on.

We are a desperate folk, hungry for sunshine, green lawns, streams and lakes that aren't covered in ice, dirt you can dig in that's finally thawed, the chirping of birds that went south for the winter, the smell of fresh air after being cooped up inside for the winter, being able to go outside without taking 15 minutes to 'bundle up'. And though it always seems to take forever, spring is here.

Everyday there is another revelation. I have been able to finally get outside and pick up all the branches that fell over the winter thanks to the big ice storm. And rake leaves and pinecones, courtesy of the woods that surround my entire 1-acre yard. (Thanks, trees.) My back is killing me. Oh, and I forgot to mention the two new rosegardens I'm putting in and the rock walls I'm building...and the 50 new bareroots coming at the end of the week which will require digging 50 holes containing 500,000 rocks and stumps (thanks again, trees). I'm a glutton for punishment! Just today my wheelbarrow got stuck in the mud (from the melted snow) but I wasn't cursing about it, because it was sweet, wonderful long last.

This rambling may all sound like I'm complaining but really I'm ecstatic. Its been a long winter and I'm out in my garden at long last!!! Today I got my first rose-thorn slashes....and that made my happy too......

rose season is officially here!!

Here are more of my roses (obviously from last June) in

my continuing series of roses that I miss. Its getting closer. Chins up, fellow cold-zoners!


CHLORIS....She's tall, sweetly fragrant, healthy &

hardy in the Alba tradition. They are the most regal

of roses.


ROSERAIE DE L'HAY.....She and the other rugosas are the

first to bloom in June....and what FRAGRANCE.

(check out the bumblebee's little 'butt' sticking out....he's enjoying himself in that bloom!)


BALTIMORE BELLE.....a vision of purest loveliness! Mine

grows over a wrought iron arch with a seat below. Makes for a secret hiding place!


ROSE DE RESCHT....Compact, fragrant & cute-as-a-button blooms that sit atop the leaves. Cute at the front of the garden.


GROS CHOUX D'HOLLANDE.....Loves to bloom and arches over

from the weight of the flowers, which are many and always



PETITE DE HOLLANDE....(another centifolia, also with the word 'Hollande' in it, but much smaller in both stature and bloom size.) Petite, just like it says! A real cutie-pie.


AMELIE GRAVEREAUX....This french beauty isn't often mentioned but should be. In my opinion, of the loveliest

of the rugosas.


MME. LEGRAS DE ST.GERMAIN.....Another perfect Alba....(is there any other kind?) Purest white snowballs adorn a bushy shrub clad in blue-gray leaves.


BARON GIROD DE L'AIN.....Sometimes he can be difficult, but usually he cooperates and blesses me with these unique blooms possessing a most strong & pleasing scent.


THE APOTHECARY'S ROSE....Simple, wonderful, reliable, hardy and ancient. Gallica. Enough said.


BELLE DORIA....Another gallica. Bright and cheery!


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