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HFGH 6x8 progress & Solar Fan Question...

17 years ago

Hi again, Gang!

Construction is moving along *very* slowly on our 6x8 GH, but it *is* progressing, at least!!!

Last couple of weeks (it's been Mondo-Hot!!!), I've been digging trenches to ensure that the wood foundation will be level.

Today, we actually got the holes dug and sunk the concrete anchors (Yay!!!). Yes, it looks like we'll be level and maybe even square (But we'll see.......!!!!!!!!!)

So this next week, I'll be concentrating on finishing the foundation (2x6 PT lumber, laid flat on/in the ground, and 2x12 redwood, laid up-on-it's-side to 'raise' the height of the GH).

In the meantime, I did get my inexpensive Solar-Boat Ventilation Panels and have determined that they will probably be insufficient for cooling the GH ('Passive Ventilation' is a gross understatement!!!).

I've since convinced Hubbie that the Solar Fan from HF would be a better solution, so he's ordered one for me as a 'Pre-Anniversary-Gift.'

(Actually, he was terrified that I was gonna use the 'On-Sale' $15 'indoor' Box-fan in the GH and that I might actually manage to burn the house down... But I digress!!!)

Anyway - I did a 'search' on GW for 'HF Solar Fan' and got a ton of hits, but (at least in the first half-dozen or so posts) couldn't find anything from anyone who actually HAD one installed in their GH.

Is there anyone out there who has actually installed one of these buggers in their GH? If so, can you post (or show me *where* you've posted) pictures of the installation???

I D/L'd the Product Manual - but nothing tells you 'where' to install the beast *in* the GH. Am I gonna have to cut holes in the panels (i.e. in the 'back wall')? If so, I'm guessing I should buy 'back-up' panels for use in winter (???????)

...Or have you figured out a way to rig it up under the self-opening vent? (And if that's the case, do I need to rig up 'screening' underneath the vent to keep critters out???)

I know I'm a little ahead of myself here, but I'm most curious to know how to tackle this (preferably before I start to erect the thing - esp if I need to 'account for' anything, ahead-of-time!).

Any feedback/advice would be much appreciated (for the zillionth time!!!!)

Thanks again!


(I'll be updating the website shortly - I promise!!!)

Here is a link that might be useful: 2007 - We Bought a Greenhouse1

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