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Untreated Lexan Cold Frame/GH protectant products?

15 years ago

We got some Lexan remnants locally that we plan to make a large cold frame with maybe a small lean to type GH for city lot backyard gardening.

After reading about the failing polycarb HFGH's, we didn't want to go the cheap GH route.

The Lexan panes are 15"x34" so it will be easy to UV coat or window film them as we go. Was also thinking of using a light window screen material if the lexan gets too hot (in addition to venting)

We will custom design the CF/GH to make maximum use of the yard, so we're starting from scratch. We have 80 15x34 lexan panels to work with.... 1/8" (3mm) thick clear 9030 Lexan sheets. We have enough to double wall to effectively have 6mm walls, tops.

With so many GH's having failing polycarb panels, have you found a good aftermarket product to add UV protection that is cost effective?

appreciate it.

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