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Need advice on GH roof pool cover

14 years ago

I need some advice on a roof for a lean-to GH on the South (front) side of my home. I have three glass double paned sliding doors that will give me 18 feet of wall. Only one of the three has the slider frame with it. These were found at a Habitat for Humanity RESTORE, all for $135. Because the GH will be at the front of my home, I want it to look nice rather than a shanty. I am designing what I want and collecting materials, then having a carpenter friend build it for a reasonable price on labor. For heating, there will be an open window from the house in a seldom used room. A small fan in the window will draw heat from the room and circulate it through the GH. My hope is that on sunny days, the GH will provide warmth to the house to help make up for the electricty used. Do you think that would work?

I don't want to attempt to put these double paned glass doors on the roof.... they are heavy!!!! After reading through the forum, I see that pool covers really help with insulation. A friend with a commercial GH recommended two HD layers of poly with air blown in for the roof. I wondered if I can just make a sandwich - a layer of Magni-clear between the poly rather than trying to blow air in (Doubtful I could do that). Then I thought - why bother with the poly. Can I just fold the pool cover with the bubbles inside and put this double layer up as the GH roof? Below the rafters, I could even put a third layer of Magni-clear there as well. My goal would be to get as much insulation in the ceiling as possible to try to avoid covering the south facing windows. In summer, I would cover the roof with Aluminet for shade to reduce heat. There are oak trees that will shade the summer greenhouse, but they are bare of leaves from mid Oct to Mid April.

What do you folks think? Would the Magni-clear pool cover, doubled, work as a decent roof for my GH?


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