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Golden Barberries - leaf scorch

17 years ago

I posted this a couple months ago, didn't get many replies so I thought I would try again. I have some golden barberries (berberis thunbergii aurea) alternated in with some crimson barberries in a border in front of the house, in full sun. The goldens are 2 summers old now (about 2 feet tall), look amazing in the spring and early summer, but start dropping their leaves in early August and look really shabby for the rest of the growing season. Some have suggested that it's leave scorch, could be, however the leaves have no red looking scorch to them when they start to drop. And it's not just the top center, it's the entire shrub that loses leaves. Anyways, the local nursery has suggested replacing them with the Bonanza Gold Barberry (Bogozam). They don't grow as big, but he says will hold their leaves better. Does anyone have any experience with either of these Barberry cultivars? I'm considering taking the advice and digging these shrubs out and replacing them here soon before it gets too late. However, I don't want to have the same problem with the Bonanzas. I would love any input! Or, if I'm wasting my time and money with the Barberries, are there any other yellowish shrubs that would contrast good with crimson barberries?

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