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Zen and the Art of Compost Maintenance

11 years ago

No question here, just anecdote...
It has been a great week of composting here in Missouri, starting the weekend before last actually when I finally bought a product I have been wanting to buy for years: granulated molasses. I was able to clear the shredded leaves off the garden to serve as my supply of browns through the Spring. I left what leaves had rotted to black on top of the garden bed as top dressing.
The rest I piled beside my holding bin and even on top of my supposedly finished pile from the fall temporarily. Yesterday, I raked those off into a larger pile and got about a wheelbarrow and a half of finished compost for my tomato-heavy garden bed, but the rest was not quite finished, so I piled it in front of the other working bin.
So this morning I put on 5 layers, given that it was down to 9 degrees F. I was skeptical that I would be able to continue working, though I was desperate to do so since it looked definitely half-done and also I wanted to get some control on the situation before the winter storm rolls in tonight. Amazingly, I was able to dig into the last foot or so of compost from my "finished" pile, even finding some stink - from the anaerobic decomposition at the bottom. But that didn't surprise me as much as the hundreds of red wigglers that I found active towards the top of my "working" pile as I started turning it over.
It was a beautiful thing, layering stuff from the "finished pile" with stuff from the "working" pile interspersed with layers of leaves and sprinkling granulated molasses every couple layers or so. It was pure compost heaven!
And to top it off, two fat little robins were sitting on the fencing around my bins, just waiting for me to go take a swig of chai so they could root around for worms. They definitely had a nice breakfast and while watching them, they gave me the chance to settle my spirit for the day.

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