Ideas to get rid of grass/weeds along fence row.
19 years ago
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- 19 years ago
- 19 years ago
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So how do I get rid of a carpet of weeds?
Comments (15)The purpose of the tilling was really to pull up some roots and get to what's underneath. The top is all hard and cracked. We got a ton of roots up and pulled out a lot of weeds. We'll be adding a bunch of new dirt and levelling. I've no doubt that will be a long process, but that's ok. This particular stretch does have full sun. It does have a small crepe myrtle, but that doesn't shade it much. This side faces the south, and being on the corner gets morning, afternoon and evening sun, only a tiny bit of it gets filtered by the crepe myrtle. My only worry is that it'll end up with a greenhouse effect and grow even better under the plastic..... That side has some bermuda already (and we left some areas. Plans for that stretch (which is actually bigger than I said - 37x17, I finally measured it today) are not settled yet. It'll have some bermuda in the center, but we're going to semi-xeriscape. I say 'semi' because we do want some grass, but we'd like to minimize water requirements. I'm going to put a border in around the perimeter, though I haven't decided which plants to put in. The border will be ~2 ft in (a little more around the wrap-around porch to incorporate some bushes already there. Along the fence line I'm still debating. We have an ugly chain link fence which we hate, but aren't planning to remove it any time soon. There's bermuda outside the fence in the front (no sidewalk there), but I was thinking of putting in some ivy-type ground covering (sorry, still learning all the names) which will creep over the ugly fence. On the inside we'll have the mulch with some drought-tolerant plants. There's an ivy-type plant growing elsewhere along the fence, but it's pretty messy and strangles the cedar elm, so I'm not sure I want to keep that. The whole property is 1/4 acre, so we have a fair amount of yard to deal with. As we're still in the midst of interior restorations, the outside is a slow process. It's mainly getting attention now because it's one of the few things I can do with my little one (compared to painting, sanding, hanging sheetrock....)...See MoreWhat is this horrible weed and how do I get rid of it???
Comments (11)It might be pokeweed, Phytolacca americana. I can't tell from the photo. Here's a thread on pokeweed with some photos of a large plant: Here are photos of younger plants: If you can't remove all the root (which you must do in order to get rid of pokeweed), you can put a few drops of Round-up concentrate (or generic glyphosate concentrate) on it or pour boiling water in the hole with the root. If it sprouts again from the root, repeat....See MoreWeeds/Grass woven into Chain Link Fence
Comments (6)THANKS! I'm going to try spraying just to get rid of the grass/weeds, and then after I remove the (hopefully) dead weeds, I'm going to somehow get a triple layer of weed fabric (I'm not normally a fan of weed fabric-hoping this works) under the fence itself and use landscape timbers (and fabic 'pins') to hold it down on both sides of the fence....See MoreNeed help getting rid of this vine/weed!
Comments (5)You won't have seen flowers while it is on the ground. It will only flower when it climbs to the top of its support, whether that be tree, fence, shed or whatever. To get rid of it you'll just have to pull and dig. It is tricky to deal with via herbicides because it has a waxy cuticle on the foliage. Bashing and damaging the foliage before application can help. There's lots of info on the web. Your top photo also shows another creeping vine, Glechoma hederacea. Note the hederacea part of its name which describes its similarity to Hedera. It too is a problem weed for many people in the US....See MoreRelated Professionals
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