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Buying 'quality' seed?

I am planning to purchase a good amount of seed this year, more than I usually do. I am looking at seed companies and finding it difficult to figure out which companies offer quality seed. Prices are really high for the most part. I was shocked when I set about putting everything I wanted into a shopping cart on a site where I thought the prices were in the mid range and it was almost $75. Without shipping costs.

So I want to make sure I am buying seed that someone is being very selective about. Being sure to separate only the best plants for seed collecting etc. I can't see how you can know that about a company.

I have bought from a company in the past that had low prices, but the plants they produced seemed to me to be of inferior genetic material.

I have gone to Garden Watchdog and I'm looking on the recommended sites but rating a company by the good service they give is different to me, from the quality of the plant you end up with.

Has anyone solved this problem for themselves?

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