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Newbie help :Growing purple coneflowers indoors

17 years ago

As a new hobby, my son and I started a little indoor gardening project in our basement and I am hoping we are on the right track or if not someone can give us newbies a bit of advice. We purchased a plastic greenhouse kit from a store with the heat mat and some seeds from Burpee to start a butterfly and hummingbird garden. We decided to try out purple coneflowers first before trying any other the other seeds. We used 20 peat balls and put in 2-3 seeds in each ball. We put them in the greenhouse with the heat mat with the plastic dome and I placed a 4ft shoplight with 2 plant light bulbs in it over the seedlings about 2 inches I guess. They all germinated after about a week using the mat and the dome. We turned off the heat mat once we saw the baby leaves and removed the dome. I then decided after a few days to put them into pots with some Miracle Grow potting soil with the moisture control and added water of course. I'm just wondering if we did everything right or are we missing a step. Did I put the seedling peat balls in to pots too early? We aren't sure of all the right steps in the process since this is our first time. My son is excited to see the little seedlings but do we just need to be patient and just water them or did I mess anything up or miss something? Thanks for any help or advice you can give 2 new gardeners.

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