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1st fireflash sprouts-now what?

17 years ago

I have some fireflash (chlorophytum) seeds that I am trying to grow. I put some in a damp paper towel in a baggie on top of my fish tank lights where it is warm. Some I put in a pot with dirt in a baggie on top of my fridge. The ones on my fridge are sprouting (only 2 or 3 so far) now what do I do? I would like more to sprout, but what about the ones that have already started? Should I put them in a different pot already without a baggie on top so they get ventilation? I open the baggie at least twice a day for ventilation, is this ok? I have never grown anything from seeds before, and I want to make sure I am doing this right. I also am growing lithops from seed at the same time, but I think I have a handle on those. They are supposed to be kept covered and moist for a few weeks after sprouting. Should I do this with the fireflash? Any help is appreciated. I checked the FAQ's, but it didn't help with all of my questions. Thanks!
