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ONE native I don't recognize

davidrt28 (zone 7)
10 years ago

These are both from the semi-swampy area of my garden that I haven't been able to mow this summer because it's been so wet.

The one on the left is a low running forb about 3' wide and 1' tall with floppy stems, but the flowers are held up and quite showy. Maybe something in the Onagraceae? It's on a section of higher ground so I don't think it's really a wetlands plant at all.

The grass seed head on the right is from a grass about 3' tall, 4' including the heads, with pretty non-descript light green leaves with a "zip" along the back side, like what's on the side of a pampus grass leaf. From a distance I thought they were the seed heads of a Scirpus...wait...update. It is one. They just don't resemble the other Scirpus I'm more familiar with. The leaves of it are more grass like that any Cyperaceae I've seen.


This post was edited by davidrt28 on Mon, Aug 26, 13 at 21:45

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