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Idyll #410 Last of the berries, first white snows...

"November comes

And November goes,

With the last red berries

And the first white snows.

With night coming early,

And dawn coming late,

And ice in the bucket

And frost by the gate.

The fires burn

And the kettles sing,

And earth sinks to rest

Until next spring."

- Clyde Watson

Still November...and it is cold in the house for the first time today.

Comments (100)

  • ctlavluvr
    15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Happy Birthday Marian!!



  • ctlavluvr
    15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    It's a new day, and reading the Idylls has done much to improve my ability to look forward and still be able to see some light. Thank You!! Ei, can't quite post to your thread since I couldn't see through the tears. You hit it, girlfriend!! Julie -- I'll be over to your thread, too.

    So, in that spirit, yesterday afternoon I dug out all the "stuff" I've accumulated over the years that's been used willy-nilly and put together some Thanksgiving decor



    The pineapple will be secured to the mailbox. The wreath just kind of fell together and I felt very Cheloneish for a moment!! LOL These kinds of things just don't happen to me most of the time :-)

    Today I'm going to the orchard to pick up several pounds of "drops" for sauce and butter, then coming home and making the house smell good. Being a regular customer has its benefits -- the owner sent me an email saying that her thirds were really fourths, but real apple lovers would find a good use for them, anyway. How sad is it that an orchard owner calling me a true apple lover would make my day?? LOL

    Will be hopping in and out over the next several days. I'm officially on vacation but have a major presentation tomorrow (worth the few hours of work, believe me, if it goes thorugh!!!). Yes, Rich still has a shot at this job but it has so much to do with personalities rather than facts that it's a tough call at this point.

    For the West Coasters -- it's 15degF here and already we have wind. Just thought you'd like to know :-)

    Best to everyone!!


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    Comments (102)
    Afternoon Idyllers, I'm another one in the midst of the snowstorm. Not too bad yet, we've probably got less than an inch of very fine, powdery snow, but more to come. I'm home alone today and have everything I need, even made a trip to Whole Foods and Barnes and Noble yesterday in preparation, and I'm enjoying my solitude. My only worry is Brad driving the 25 miles to and from work and my kids out on the roads. I've been puttering around doing a job here or there and am really thinking about organizing all of our childrens books by author this afternoon. Bella takes books from the shelves, but piles them next to it for me to put back, so it wouldn't be hard to keep them organized and we'd be able to find specific books so much easier than way. I took a quick count and estimate our count to be over 400 assorted books. I've enjoyed so much looking at all of the photos on this thread. Those last ones of the beautiful garden ornaments really struck a cord with me. We have a shop near here called Detroit Garden Works with so many similar beautiful benches, fountains, urns etc. Pricey, but I love to go in there and dream. The owner lives in my town and has a beautiful garden too. She has a great blog, one of my favorites, I'll link it below. Kathy, Wondering what instructions you're following for the delphinium sowing? I used to grow them from seed but got tired of all the staking when the plants bloomed. Very labor intensive I thought and we'd always have a storm blow through just when they were beautiful that would break over the stalks no matter how well I thought I had them secured. I did the Pacific Giants and would sow the seeds, put them in the frig for 2 weeks and them put them in a dark closet until they germinated. I'd get really great results with that method. The first time I sowed them I did a whole flat and had so many plants I couldn't give them all away. Brenda, interesting that you're thinking of building a new house. How exciting for you! Though, truth be told, I always tell Brad I never want to live in a house that's younger than me. I grew up living in new houses but the architecture lover in me can't get enough of the old ones, even with all of their quirkiness. They seem to have a soul to me. We looked at an old schoolhouse that had been converted into a home not long ago. Beautiful architecture...and a great price but small and oh my, it was full of 1970's "improvements" and was in such disrepair. We decided we were too old and tired to tackle something that labor intensive, lol. I'm thinking I'm stuck here in my little house for awhile with this economy. Bright side, at least it's paid for:) Norma, I really love the coleus cuttings in the bottles on the windowsill. I'm so going to do that next year. Maybe I'll take better care of them that way too. You're Nicki looks just like my Esther. She's a character, huh? A couple more conservatory pictures for Candy. It's hard to take pictures of the inside. It's tiny in there and there's all that reflecting glass. Last year I filled it with annuals in mostly pinks and purples, a couple of cannas, one of which was Tropicana, a big Boston fern on a plant stand, and a couple of garden gnomes. I put a white wicker chair I found on the curb in one corner with a big purple pot of flowers in it. Other urns and pots on the floor in front...not sure what I'll do in there this year. Here it is at night Enough blabbering from me. Thinking of Julie and family and Woody too. Keep the pictures coming. We're going to need them! Eden
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    Idyll # 312 - The Plants on Wheels Idyll


    Comments (103)
    Good Morning Idylls! Another early one, so I can make a quick post. I hear you V...I *live* for's my season. Oh well, I guess this year I'll live for June! :-) Now I'm wondering about when Sue's surgery is too Cynthia. I *thought* it was for Monday the 16th. I wrote it down in my calendar awhile back, so I wouldn't miss wishing Sue my best the night before, but from what I'm reading here now, I may have written down the wrong wouldn't surprise me. You & Bug have Clivias?!? Oh I'm green! I am not a houseplant person, houseplants don't like me. But, if there was ever a houseplant I *wished* I could grow, *that* would be the one. Speaking of which...I just drooled over all your beautiful plant choices Bug. Your purple hellebore looks a lot like one I planted last spring. To my relief, it lived through the winter, looks to have maybe one bloom or two, but not open yet. I'm just thrilled that it made it. One of my "no-name" hellebores has made about 20 babies from my last count (that is if they didn't die from yesterday's snow). I'll check on them once the snow melts. I want to pot them up and bring them to the next place. LOL about my posting, Bug. You are probably right, but I have *so* much *fun* making them! :-) Eden - I *love* that bedroom you posted...that is sooo just the kind of style I *love*, the soft hint of colors, the lamps, the little chest (armoire?), the curtains, the vase of fresh flowers, well *everything* and that *headboard*! That is the sweetest thing! Hope you find just the right gate/trellis and will post your creation when it is all completed. I can see that being Cynthia's style fact it reminds me a lot of some of the restful, beautiful home pics Cynthia has posted. BTW Eden...I *love* that pic of your GT and SS together...what a beautiful combo! Chelone So sorry about the headache with Lamee? Did I spell that right?...You know...that *sparkly* cloth! :-) Can't help it but hearing about *sparkly* things gets my blood going. Paul tells me I'm a lot like a crow...attracted to bright, shiny things...LOL! BTW Mary...what is that *gorgeous* flower in your BD pic to Kathy? YumMm! Oh before I forget...I wanted to share this with Deanne & Drema: Up on the top shelf to the left is Deanne's Fuchsia and next to it is a pot of about 6 of Drema's coleus. On the bottom shelf to the right is a glass of Drema's cuttings! :-) I know the pics are poor, but can you tell which Fuchsia this is Deanne? It's been a blooming wonder and a real joy. A close up of some of Drema's coleus cuttings. I don't want anyone to be misled. I'm *not* a houseplant person. The only reason these plants are still alive is because they only have to be in the house for the winter....LOL! Actually the poor begonias are crying to get out of my hands and into a container outside...hope spring comes soon! Okay...gotta has an appointment at 08:30 and I'm not even dressed yet. Hi to anyone I missed. Hope you all have a great day! Ei
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    The Last of the Idylls


    Comments (99)
    The rain had been gentle until this afternoon. I love a steady gentle rain. But at dinner time things got more serious with heavy downpours, thunder, lightning. Our company was not deterred by it though and we visited the new greenspace in our town and also went to Lee Valley's store where they purchased indoor plant watering devices for when they are away traveling. We also went to a great little shop where you can buy saffron for $1.35 and I bought maple syrup buckets (for cut flowers)for $2.50 each. Heard from David B the other day...for those who remember him. Just sold his "new" house. He seems to be doing well through lots of changes and spoke of plants and things which still interest him. 'bug
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    Idyl #270 The Special Moment Idyll


    Comments (101)
    Eden,Michelle,Deanne,Mary,Drema.Ei..idylls are so sweet-it's funny I don't see Country Living there!I suppose it's because I also see the yard cart,pots of weed pullings,kid toys,etc. outside the fringes of the pic; ) Where did I read it-I read in a book a few months ago that garden art should be placed so each piece is seen one at a time-when you turn a bend,out in the distance,as you leave a doorway,etc. so that's where I got that notion and it does make sense to me because you should be seeing the plants then a nice piece of garden art as a single grouping and as an accent so the eyes arent' overwhelmed...does that make sense? Drema I am SO GLAD you stopped in!!and are you wearing underwear?lol just kidding! I keep thinking you are up to your eyeballs in wedding prep and now I see you really do keep VERY long hours even just between the gym & work-wow you are one amazing woman! So you are sending resumes does that mean you got tossed or are you looking for something more secure? You have the same affliction I do thinking your garden area is not looking great-that scene of the pots you created is actually refreshing and elegant looking-what beautiful pots you've got there!!!! Those succulents look interesting-I always love bluegreen plants. That Coco Loco is a funky looking one-I like. I hope you aren't real frazzled with so much going on for you right now.Have some merlot. Mary I so hear you on boys-they are so LOUD! lol. The pool party sounded like a blast! Their latest fad here is pretend sword fighting(big on pirates these days)and I go nuts trying to make sure no one gets a fat lip or eye. I('mean mom')of course made a rule that no one can 'fight' each other they may duel imaginary ruffians though. Funny how boys just naturally have that boisterousness! Andrew has aready decide he will be a pirate for Halloween this year(hmm that could be a fun costume to make!) I will try to get wider shots of the yard Mary-many of you think I am a 'talented' photographer and I do like closeups but when I get the faraway shots of my yard they never turn out how I want or see in my head lol. I will try though. I think I said that before. Ei that's been happening alot to me lately-I post and later see many more posts not previously there. Know that everybody,in case you think I am snubbing you. SO does that mean I don't have to ever paint the garage?? LOL. I thought we'd be painting it this summer but we really need drier weather first. Maybe by fall,since mid summer is too hot for painting(good excuses eh?). Oh Deanne-I sure hope you DON"t get our latest weather. Yikes some loud thunder and a couple had to have hit ground the rumbles shook the house. Tons of close lightening though. Amazingly AJ has been weathering the storms so well(pun!).Wow I hope that predicition of a foot of rain by you is an exaggeration(our weather people do that alot)especially with that recent flooding near you. Supposedly there might have been a tornado south of here but I haven't heard of damage or confirmation. Marian-I hope something nice happens today that can cheer you up: ) Hang in there! Honey-right now the ant is protruding out of a bed with hostas,and partially onto the brick area(we are short of bark so will have to go on a hunt-AJ's still gung ho though). I'm not sure where the final resting place will be since the neighbors might not 'get it'-though my garden neighbor will crack up when she sees this. Cindy I forgot to tell you I didn't give my neighbor the tradescantia because she doesn't have room for it to spread and I surely don't want to give her something massive to weed from her beds(then she'd disown me; ) I still have some in one area so I might pot that up and place it in the bed she sees and that way it won't take over and she'll still have her flowers lol. Oh I did give her instead a red penstemon called 'Jingle Bells' and I enjoy it because the hummingbirds visit it often. GB glad you are safe and sound in the tooth dept. That does sound pretty rude of that guy. I was thinking he's shy but if not at least you offered an invitation(leftovers can be a good thing since maybe he won't show: ) OK gotta go! Be good,have fun. ~Babs
    ...See More
  • Sue W (CT zone 6a)
    15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago


  • Marian_2
    15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    How great to get up and see that I am having an extended birthday! Thank you all. Eden, I love that beautiful Peony pic. Michelle, the white Lilies are beautiful also. Kathy, you know I love those type of scenes. Pm2,YES! Lovely woods pic. Chelone, Dafs and a stone kitty! Neat! And Martie, the Viburnum is one of my favorite shrubs.
    Again...thanks,all. I have now passed the 3 quarter century point in my life. By reason of strength I just may reach 4 score. ;-)

    I did nothing special for my BD, but it was a good day, and ended up being a great day, because my 3 granddaughters and our son all talked to me over the phone that eve. My dear sister, bless her heart, was a day late with her phone call, and her card...:-), but at this stage in life...who cares! :-)

  • gardeningmary
    15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    *-*Happy Birthday Marian*-*

  • woodyoak zone 5 southern Ont., Canada
    15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I'm always late....!


  • chelone
    15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I spent nearly 4 hours vacuuming our living quarters yesterday and I was beat when I finished! I would never have guessed it would have taken so long, but the place was a total "pit". I vacuumed the baseboard, the mopboards, the chair rail, the raised panels on the doors, the inside of the closets, under the rugs, etc.. "the whole 9 yds.". I vacuumed the rug pads, the back of the rugs, and did the tops of them a second time to complete the "sanitation". I still have to vacuum the upholstery and the draperies and do some dusting, but that can wait. Today I am going to address the first floor hallway and the Biddy Suite.

    I did get the second coat of clear finish on the posts and rails, but did not get to the store for the missing necessities. The helpmeet returned home (with a grocery bag under his arm) to find me tediously vacuuming the staircase. He had beer and cookies in the bag, but no 1/2-1/2. After expressing profound admiration for the improved condition of his home he took pity on me, loading the dog in the car and retrieving the needed items. What a team, huh?

    I had a comical vision of V. attempting to jam a side of beef into the freezer using a block and tackle. Where are you going to store the trophy buck after it hangs from the tree in the yard for the requisite time period? I can't remember the last time I had venison (I like it). I heard several shots yesterday and have to keep an eye on His Hugeness whose nose works overtime on windy days. I hope someone was lucky! I completely "get" the appreciation of the "block of time"! A lot of people think I'm out of my mind to insist on a 6 AM start time, but it's what allows me large blocks of time to do the the things I need and WANT to do. Wishing you continued "profitable use" of your newly found resource.

    Interesting observations on the state of retail, you guys. I'm not, by nature, a "shopper", so my visits to stores tend to be rather specific or to the sorts of places where you buy "ingredients" to make things. And this is probably because I don't have children. My favorite stores are places like Goodwill, the Dollar Store, and those local merchants that buy overstock items or the inventories of failed retailers, lol. The relentless bombardment of advertising (and the attendant temptation and cost) aimed at kids and relayed to parents flies right over this household, by and large.

    I wanted to tell Martie that when I reordered tile the other day (the one I wanted is no longer available) one of the women pressed her husband's card into my hand, suggesting that if I need a "handyman" he would be a good guy to call. She was a little embarrassed when she realized I was planning to do the work myself. I tucked it into my pocket and will pass it along to someone I know who is looking for just such a guy.

    We keep the thermostats set at about 58-60 degrees and we use fires in the stove to keep the house cozy. The thermostat in the Lab. is left at about 50, as is the Board Room, since those areas don't see daily use. The thermostat in the Salon is fully programmable (by someone!) and the fact that the heat is hot air means there is no danger of frozen pipes. The furnace takes the chill off the space very quickly and it's our hope that the woodstove will keep it equally comfortable without using much oil.

    Time to face the dishes and plot my attack on the rest of the cleaning.

  • denisez10
    15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    (If you've ever tacked up a missing pet poster to a telephone pole, you'll appreciate this interview with NPR Ketzel Levine's beagle, Starlet Blue Levine, who had been missing a week. Her Great Dane pal inadvertently knocked open the French doors, and Starlet escaped without her collar and ID, which was in the wash.)

    Exclusive Interview With Runaway Beagle

    Hi, I'm Brooke Gladstone, host of On The Media. Ketzel has overdosed on so many M&M's during this last week of worry over Starlet, her beagle, that I suggested she pass out for the weekend and let me do the heavy lifting. My involvement's not all that far-fetched since I am a distant relative of said beagle. Ketzel is my second cousin and our grandmothers olev hashalom were sisters.

    And while I too like dogs very much, having grown up with a memorable Great Dane named Eurydice, I don't exactly share my cousin's sometimes excessive allegiance if not over identification with animals. I'm hoping this detachment will play in my favor, as I ask a few questions that may help us fathom why Starlet Blue Levine left home.


    Poised somewhere between disdain and apathy, Starlet (left) wonders why she and the thing (Zoe Mae, right) are being addressed.
    photo credit: Ketzel Levine, NPR

    BG: Hi there Starlet, thanks for getting on the sofa.
    SB: Are you here too? Are you eating something?
    BG: Actually I wanted to talk to you about your recent disappearance. I understand that you took off Monday evening while Ketzel was out of the house.
    SB: Does she have food in her pockets?
    BG: In fact she does. Ketzel left and Zoe Mae opened the side door by putting her paws on the handle and jumping. Is that what you remember?
    SB: Does she have a bowl outside?
    BG: Yes, her bowl is outside. Is that where you were going?
    SB: She smells but not much. But there is a smell. I remember now. And the smell gets closer and then it goes in a direction and I go in a direction.
    BG: Right. Now from what we've pieced together from eyewitness reports, it seems you were following smells for about two hours before you were picked up. Do you remember where that was?
    SB: BIG. SMELL. EVERYWHERE. I eat the smell.
    BG: Exactly. You were eating garbage at the KFC on NE. MLK Blvd. Do you recall the people who picked you up and put you in their car?
    SB: Are they here too?


    Joyce Crabbe and Mike Smith found Starlet at a KFC and brought her to their home. A few days later they took her to the vet's office to be scanned for a microchip, having worried that if they brought her to Animal Control the dog might be confiscated. Turned out Joyce and Mike used the same vet as Ketzel, and so! another victory for the kindness of strangers.
    photo credit: Ketzel Levine, NPR

    BG: Do you recall anything about your four-day stay with the people named Joyce and Mike?
    SB: Cat. Food. Drawers. Vomit.
    BG: That's what they tell us, too, that you had issues with their cat and that you went through every cabinet in their kitchen. My guess is that you found food and ate it but that it didn't agree with you so you threw up. Does that ring a bell?
    SB: Are you here? Do you have food in your pockets?
    BG: As a matter of fact, I do have a little something, a blue peanut butter M&M I picked up off Ketzel's bedroom floor. But let's focus for a sec on you. Since coming home and hearing about your friends and family's sleepless nights, the hours of searching, the hundreds of lost dog posters and the paid ads in The Oregonian, what do you think you've learned about running away?
    SB: (Stretches.)
    BG: Starlet?
    SB: (Grunts, circles and lands, curled. Looks at interviewer out of one eye.)
    BG: Indeed, Starlet. From your mouth to God's ears: There is no place like home.
    SB: (Snores).

    A final word: It may be that no one understands Starlet better than the cat who watches her every move. So it's not all that surprising that literary agents are all a-twitter about rumors of a manuscript now making the rounds Watch these pages for more news about STUDIES IN ATTACHMENT DISORDER: My Life With A Beagle, by Lulah Levine.

    (And Ketzel mentions in her blog that Lotusland did not burn!)

    Happy birthday, Marian!

  • dodgerdudette
    15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Frost this morning on the roofs, will wait to see that damages , if any. Ive already pulled up most of the Zinnias, but many begonias etc remain outdoors, most in protected areas. Doobie is sleeping right in the dead middle of the Sunday paper, so I came in to Idyll a bit before I head off to Trader Joes. It will be horrid there, but I am targeting ½ hour after they open for my arrival after the first rush has died down I hope.

    Once the temps warm up outdoors I will venture out to continue the Cecile Bruner project.

    Enjoying our various Idyll thread annexes

    Later !

    Kathy in Napa

  • gardenbug
    15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hi! Here I am once more at DH's office trying to catch up.
    Quickly, I have no working washing machine, no working satellite...and 20+ guests coming for Thursday night dinner. Oh joy!

    My furnace expert told me that when setting your thermostat, make sure to never have more than 5 degrees difference between your high and your low. (That is 9 Fahrenheit)

    Last night was French Club out at our local Mill's restaurant. Before that we did various errands, 9 pair of black socks for DH as well as a pocket calendar for 2009-2011 . I'm always surprised that I have appointments so far in advance: doctor, dentist etc.

    Enjoying Mary's sewn bags. Personally I love paisley and pineapples...but hate carrying purses. I loathe parties where stuff is sold, though I confess to having had some of my stuff sold that way years ago when a few of us made machine knit baby wear. That was back in the days when we were called "Usually Upside Down" to reflect the chaos of our lives with little ones.

    Enjoy reading Ei's entries and seeing family, which includes Scout of course. As to Phoebe, she resembles Charlotte, but I must say, "so not the same!"

    To Marian, happy thoughts as we get into winter now, but sorry I can't contribute a birthday card this time. Who knows when that will become possible again!?!

    V, back in 2006 DD received a deer from a friend while DSIL was out of town, and she discovered that it had to be skinned before the butcher would carve it for her. So, with baby strapped to her chest, she hoisted the beast into the garage to complete the task, then cart it off to be prepared for their freezer. A woman's work.... Their diet makes use of a great deal of game given them by friends from both of their work places.

    OK, I'm off but thinking of you all until I'm able to return!

  • prairiemoon2 z6b MA
    Original Author
    15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Good morning :-)

    The activity level is just picking up around here this morning. [When I started this, it was morning (g)] DD is visiting and DS is getting ready for work, DH has already been to see his Mom this morning and Thanksgiving preparations will probably consist of making sure we have everything for the table and getting all the food shopping done. Fitting that in around getting a spare bedroom ready for company at Christmas time and watching the Patriots play. It's cold here, but sunny.

    Marian.....glad your back is better!

    On that sweet potato casserole, we whip them with a little bit of butter, half and half and brown sugar and then heat in the oven for another 30 mins, then put the marshmallows on the top and return to the oven until the marshmallows brown. Not as easy as it sounds, because we do it in that last 10 minutes before the dinner gets on the table and there is a lot going on. We have been known to forget them and burn the marshmallows, once or twice. [g] We used to have butternut squash, which I love, but no one else does, so we skip it. We used to make turnip every year for my Mom, but she was the only one who ate it. Oh and I forgot the pearl onions.

    Martie....I'm very sorry to hear that Rich is still looking for more work. I wish you lived closer. We are planning to do work around here when we can manage it and would feel very lucky to find someone like Rich to help us out with it. I'm glad you can put away your worries long enough to enjoy a wonderful Thanksgiving. :-)

    Kathy...if it were anyone else, I would be surprised that you baste the turkey with beer? [g]

    Saucy...We have a programable thermostat and I think it is the best thing since sliced bread. It is set to come on before we get out of bed then lower when people are gone for any large portion of the day, comes back on before they get home and goes down at night to a low of 63. All without ever thinking about it. :-) Is that the same as your 'smart thermostat'?

    Mary....What neat bags you are making....I hope whoever is on your list knows how lucky they are. :-) I also love anything paisley. I am happy to see more of that style fabric than there used to be. You are also inspiring me to start doing something crafty. Last year, I was looking for nice potholders and kitchen towels for my DS's new apartment and aprons for my DD who has developed a keen interest in cooking. I was so disappointed by what I found that I would really like to make something nice. If I can drum up enough energy and get my sewing machine repaired, which I hope turns out to be something minor.

    Cindy....I hope you will post your recipe for Black Silk Pie to the Holiday Baking thread. I am curious what is in it. :-)

    Gardenbug....I'm beginning to think there are gremlins at your house. [g] You must be thoroughly sick of it! Sounds like a busy week with so many expected for Thursday. I will be glad when your satellite is fixed, I depend on your daily postings. :-) brought up a good point about how your helpmeet becomes more curious and I assume more willing to help out, as he starts to see progress. That was something that I noticed with the menfolk around here too. I wasn't expecting that. My DS who does a lot of the heavy lifting and digging, would much rather be watching sports. Lately though, he has been expressing much satisfaction in how the garden is developing. He was even telling me the other day that he is looking forward to the spring to see further growth on the shrubs. I had to pinch

    Sewing machines I can manage, if they do what is predictable and expected, if I am just using the basics for straight sewing, beyond that, I can get into trouble quickly. I would have really enjoyed growing up with a mother that sewed and been able to soak it all up.

    Norma....having the kids selling items for fund raising at school was always a pet peeve of mine. I would also have much preferred just giving a donation. happy for you that inventory is over just in time to celebrate Thanksgiving without that hanging over your head. So DS would prefer a home cooked Thanksgiving meal? Well...I hope he helps in the kitchen. :-) Maybe you could have some fun with it and help for the clean up for sure. Yes, I was going to suggest Whole Foods, but I went to their website and didn't see a mention of it, so I wasn't sure if I was remembering it wrong. your morning sky....and sunflowers! stories always welcome here. I used to watch the Dog Whisperer a lot and now I find myself watching 'It's Me or the Dog'.

    Deanne....our days of 20 for dinner are nothing but a memory. I miss them really. I enjoyed having a crowd. It was a lot of work though. We used to have to set up banquet tables and one year, we had a terrible snow storm that morning and no one could get to our house and we had a dinner for 23 with the 5 of us to eat it. I can laugh about it now. [g]

    Eden very thoughtful to post some old Idyll days photo for Marian. :-)'s getting too busy around here. OH! DH and DD are getting the spare bedroom ready and they just found a box with all our family photo albums in it that I've been anxiously looking for, for the past 4 months! Yippee! I can't tell you what a relief that is! I couldn't imagine where they went.

    Well....have a nice day!


  • Full_Bloom
    15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Without further ado....

    I am so bummed that I missed your birthday Marian! Hope you find the poem appropriate...I have many fond memories of you, forget-me-nots being one of them! :-) Hope you had a good birthday. I'm sorry I'm so late, but yesterday after spending a couple hours posting my long post I thought I'd better do something finishing all the garden clean up I hadn't got to. I over did it and hurt my back (I'm really starting to feel like we are living parallel lives :-) I'm better today, as long as I don't bend over...LOL!

    I will have to catch up with you guys later, as I need to get things like laundry done so I'll have something to wear to work tomorrow.

    Good to see Bug!

    Have a great day all!


  • gardenbug
    15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    (psst..V, in my message, I meant 2007 for the deer operation)
    I'm off to the farm to play with Phoebe.

  • veronicastrum
    15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago




  • veronicastrum
    15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Denise, thanks for the interview with Starlet. Not to be forgotten, we have:

    The Further Adventures of Mystic the Wonder Dog!

    Mystic was let out last night after his dinner. It was bitter cold outside and I was too comfortably warm to go outside with the dogs, so Mystic's nose took advantage of an opportunity to follow a smell. When I called for him after only a couple of minutes, there was no sign of him anywhere. For the next thirty minutes or so, we took turns calling for him, to no avail. Finally I went to the kitchen to start dinner. Just as things were heating up in the kitchen, I thought I heard a frantic bark from outside. Running to the door, I saw my crazy black lab tearing towards me like he had a pack of wolves on his tail.

    Since things were at a crucial point in the kitchen, I let DH handle the job of talking to the wayward animal. A few minutes later, I noticed an odd black heap on the far side of the kitchen that had not been there a few minutes before. Closer inspection revealed that it was a rather large pile of deer poop. Since I had not seen a deer running through the kitchen, I'll leave the rest to your imagination...

    (And thank goodness I had the excuse of a pot on the stove that needed tending! DH got clean-up duties this time.)

    So far, no trophy buck or even pitiful doe has been claimed here. Since we will be out of town for the second weekend of hunting, it looks like my freezer will have a reprieve. Now to find out where the camera ended up.

    GB, I'm amazed that your DD had to skin the deer before they would butcher it. Not a requirement here, and thank goodness because it could end up on my to do list!

    I got the last of the pots into the garage today. DH, the man of no patience, told me I had waited too long on the rain barrel and that it was frozen solid. I was a touch amazed, as I had gotten a can of water from it yesterday and had checked to see how frozen it seemed to be. Well, I opened the tap and walked away, and less than two minutes later the water was pouring out.

    I'm getting inspired to make some handcrafted ornaments this year. The idea is simmering in my brain right now; I shall have to go scrounge in the storage room for what I need to make these.

    Saucy, I keep forgetting to offer my encouragement on the Goddess Garden. Take your time and let it develop as it feels right to you. I've found that my best projects, garden or otherwise, are those that I allow to develop on their own timetable. You mentioned not being able to do anything over winter, but this is a great time to think about your plans and figure out a plan of attack come spring. Do you still have brush to clear? Winter is a great time for brush clearing - just ask me!

    Lucnh break is over so I'd better hit the coalmine again.


  • Marian_2
    15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Good afternoon all...

    I am a little late getting back here. I have been doing some on-line research attempting to locate the cemetary where Nolon's sister is to be buried, and where the service is to be. I think I found the right one. The service is to be tues afternoon.

    More great BD pics! Sue , that is a very enticing spot in your pic. Where is it? Mary, I love the 'cottage garden' look of your pic. It is your own garden isn't it? Woody, very pretty sunflowers. Thanks Denise and Marie. Marie. I will pretend one of the pics of Phoebe with the snowy face is my card. :-) Ei, I love the pic, the poem, and the post. :-) V, that is a wonderful pic! I love the ripples in the stream.


  • Sue W (CT zone 6a)
    15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hi Marian,

    The picture was taken at St. Edmund's retreat on Enders Island in Mystic, CT. My summer cottage rental looked across the bay at it. Gorgeous spot. Sorry to hear Nolon's sister has passed away.

    Chilly weekend here. Yesterday was the worst though. Starbucks has become a scheduled stop after my walks for an eggnog latte. Spent the last couple of days doing some indoor cleaning. Today I decided to steam clean the grout in my kitchen floor. Problem is I only have one of those little hand held steam cleaners and the room is over 500 square feet. Needless to say, I ended up triaging the worst areas, then vacuuming and swiffering the rest. No sooner did I finish when Nick proceeded to hurl a stinky river of vomit throughout the space. I need a

    Oh, and speaking of Nick. I came up from the basement on Friday only to find him walking around on the kitchen counter. Yes, this is a dog we're talking about-one who is about to get shipped off to Chelone's for repeated beatings along with Mystic and all the other wayward mutts. He's always been able to get stuff off the counter by climbing on a boot bench I have underneath, but climbing onto the counter is a new trick. Now I have to move the bench away every time I go out.

    Yesterday I scored on the fireplace setup. The same place that installed the self contained gas unit I have in the breakfast room handles the whole deal, gas logs, custom glass and steel doors and granite hearth and facing. They're coming tomorrow to measure and give me a quote. The facing is not done with granite tile but with granite slabs fabricated similiar to a kitchen counter. Merry Christmas to me.

    Martie, wish I had some work I could toss Rich's way. The next item on my hit list is replacement windows but that won't be for at least a year. I can't imagine cheaping out home improvement, or letting someone do something to my house that wasn't up to code but I remember seeing an awful lot of shoddy remodeling when I was looking to buy this house. It actually decreased the value of the homes for me. Hopefully something good will come his way soon.

    OK, time to stretch and toss some weights around while I watch the news. Guess I'd better hide the filet I've got defrosting on the counter...jeez, I might as well have cats around


  • veronicastrum
    15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I spoke too soon. DH went out for one last try in the afternoon and got a doe. Since she was up in the area where all of our trillium grow, I don't feel sorry for her. I did tell him he was in charge of finding freezer space!

    I decided to continue my baking streak and made some thumbprint cookies to take to the office gang tomorrow. Four weekends in a row! If I keep it up, I may end up making Christmas cookies for the first time in eons.


  • dodgerdudette
    15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    2pm Saturday afternoon beer, one day and about an hour late. We have had some mighty fine weather this weekend-too bad I only got to enjoy one day of it. The frost this morning was very light and there was no destruction here. I was able to pick yet another bouquet of zinnias and roses this morning-I cant imagine Ill be able to do this much longer. My Moonlit Madness daylily has thrown up 7 scapes that are loaded with blooms-a few opened this week. Crazy ! We have rain coming in this week so it looks like no frost on the horizon for several more days. Im going to close the office on Fri after a vote from the crew we all decided to take it off. I think the day after Thanksgiving has become a de facto holiday-most of my vendors are closed.

    I realized today that I need to do a Deanne Duty (this would be the container gardening version of a Julie Job) but ran out of time I had planted my Escargot Begonia in a mixed planting this summer and I will have to extricate it from the clutches of a large Plectranthus and a coleus if I want to keep it alive over the winter. It did great on my kitchen counter last year , as long as I was careful to water sparingly.

    After reading of Chelones very thorough vacuuming exercise I felt a mite guilty that I was spending yet another day outdoors at the expense of the home interior. However , I made a dent in Ceciles girth today, and have way more light coming into my kitchen now. Isnt it nice when the sig other actually notices a job well-done ?

    Denise, really enjoyed your story of Ketzels lost dog.. I used to enjoy listening to her back when she was on Sat ams with Scott Simon. I think I may need to check out her blog. I meant to ask many moons ago the name of the culivar of that Gomphrena pic you posted ?

    I want one of Vs cookies.

    Taken this morning, a sure sign of winter weather in Northern California !

    Kathy in Napa {{gwi:186095}}From mushrooms

  • gardeningmary
    15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Good morning

    An early one here - Annie left for NYC on a school trip and we needed to be at school at 5 AM. I was happily padding about in my PJ's but thankfully thought to ask if I could just drop off from the car. I found out I needed to come in and sign off at the bag check (yes, it's like airport security) so had a quick scurry to dress. Few things could be more embarrasing than for a teenager to walk into school with her mother attired in her fleece jammies LOL!

    Denise - I too enjoyed the Ketzel beagle story and always enjoy her pieces on MPR. I'm looking forward to checking her blog out.

    Cloussea is in awe of Nick walking on the kitchen counter and Mystic's antics.

    I have never been given any deer but love to cook venison. Skinning one is not something I'm sure I'd be up for though.

    I thought of Chelone vacuuming this weekend as I surveyed the accumulated dust and grime here. However, both days were filled with Annie and David's activites (a recital and a concert, sledding, shopping for concert clothes and socks). With company arriving Wednesday night I know it WILL get done, just not sure how and when.

    However, the food for Thanksgiving is purchased and as DH had made a Traders Joe run on his last trip to Long Beach my baking cupboard is well stocked.

    Just two days of work this week - its going to go quickly.

    Happy Monday!


  • chelone
    15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    The cleaning continued yesterday abated only by the take-down of the deck canopy mid-afternoon. Yesterday's project was the entry hall. I had big plans to move the white tornado through the Biddy Suite, too, but that notion proved a trifle too optimistic. Bear in mind the hallway takes the brunt of the tracked in sand and organic debris and it also has 8 (count 'em!) fully cased doors in it, not including the under staircase storage area. Try as I might, I couldn't recall once cleaning the woodwork since I painted it, "pre-Mum" so prior to 2003 and I'm reasonably certain the helpmeet never has! It looks nice and I was able to get a jump on cleaning the lower portion of the walls (think of happy, wet dogs with active tails, about Copper's size) in preparation for a fresh coat of paint this winter. The helpmeet once again noticed the level of activity remarking that the woodwork really IS quite arresting when its high gloss finish is allowed to shine.

    I have a short day at work today and will move into the Biddy Suite this afternoon. For nearly 2 yrs. now I've barely gone in there as it breaks my heart thinking of how unhappily Mum's life ended in that dreadful nursing hole. Some days I'm overwhelmed with guilt over sending her away and on others I'm just unwilling to patiently sort through what remains of her clothing and get it to the thrift store. But it's time to do it. Funny how certain aspects of a death affect you so profoundly you simply can't take the next step until something inside you says it will be OK to do so. :( Still, though, there is another something deep inside me that knows the exercise won't be nearly as wrenching as I've convinced myself it will, that's usually how it works. Anyway, I'm actually looking forward to finishing that chapter.

    The helpmeet went shopping yesterday evening and our larder is stocked for the holiday, too. I will pick up the turkey on my home tomorrow afternoon. Which reminds me I have to pick up a loaf of cheapie bread, too, and a cheapie roasing pan. The latter is one of those things I've managed to forget every time I've visited THTTF, and the last disposable one received several enthusiastic puncture wounds from Wrecks when it was turned over to him last year.

    Wrecks would be amazed at the gall required of a dog to surmount the countertops since he has only to make a small "pop" to snag his quarry from one. He really is very good about that, showing more interest in the trash usually. We have one cat who will get on the counter, but she uses it as a stepping stone to the sink. She loves to get in one of the bays and roll around in it, joyfully batting the faucet, making chirping noises, and generally looking too cute for her own good. We don't encourage it, but do rather like to see that special part of her personality reveal itself. ;)

    I like the image of Mary signing in the bags in her jammies.

    And congratualtions are in order to V.'s DH, even if it was "only" a doe. My memories of hunting season in northern New England are of kills in the back of pick-ups at the registration station or hanging from a tree out in the yard for a few days. They still had their heads, legs, and hide at that point and I don't really recall how long they "cured" before skinning and butchering for storage. Maybe you will enlighten us, V.? (and I am not the least surprised that Sarah was willing to skin one, 'bug! I'll bet it's really pretty easy once someone shows you the trick).

    Nice to see a nice newsy post from Sue, too. I applaud your decision to give your fireplace a "make over". Merry Christmas, indeed, and I'm certain it's something you will enjoy for a long time to come. I'm with you on the renovation thing, too! Many moons ago when the helpmeet and I were looking at homes we always deducted the cost of removing/redoing "renovations" from the asking price of a home... and we made sure the realtor knew why. Who wants to pay a premium price for someone else's taste for "new" when you know right well they did it as cheaply as they could to move the house?

    Time to pull on some raiment, fold some laundry, and think about a leisurely drive to work. I suspect it will involve another large project in a dreadfully cluttered space. Oh joy.

  • ctlavluvr
    15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    What a great surprise to see Mary up and going so early! I gave up caring what I had on for early school trip days. It was a collective decision by all the Moms that short of brushing one's teeth, one was acceptable in anything one happened to have on. The power of a group of Mom's overrode anything our kids said :-)

    Today marks the start of my annual Thanksgiving week vacation. That said, I have a major presentation of my own at a local agency this morning. They are new to me following the layoffs, and the guy and I seem to "click" so it'll be more learning and fun than work.

    Yes, there are stories I could tell about phone calls from folks who "got a great deal and I don't know what happened!!" for Rich to come fix things -- some of them quite major. Rich's firm answer is "if someone else pulled the permit, it's up to them to fix it and I don't sub myself out." "If there is no permit, I would be responsible for anything the hacker did and thanks, but no thanks." In other words -- You made your choice not-so-bright homeowner and now you have to live with it!!

    The only exception he made was when a porch roof was literally going to fall in and there was a safety issue -- the town inspector called him and assured him he would not be responsible for any of the other work. Rich couldn't just let a roof collapse, but he did make sure the Inspector wouldn't let the "contractor" back on the property for the sake of the homeowners.

    Anyway, enough of That!! It's a week to be grateful and eat and play!!

    You will be fine going through the room, Chelone. Just let what happens, happen. Look at it as a treasure hunt!

    Logee's is Saturday, January 17th (if that's a Saturday -- no calendar nearby). LOL

    Cruising but will see you all later!


  • jak1
    15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago


    That's a Happy Belated, Marian! Stretch these days out as looooong as possible!

    Sue, great idea about giving youself a log insert and doors - some warmth and cheer on a cold snowy evening without having to tog up and go lug in some wood...I remember those days, sometimes with nostalgia but more often with a shiver.

    We are expecting the white stuff tonight.

    "Gal Parties" - no thanks. Unless it is a plant exchange or garden-related stuff - love those!

    Saucy, I get lots of support for projects - it's the ongoing never ending daily C**P that's mine, all mine. *sigh*

    OoooMary, love the bags!

    Oh Martie, how discouraging for Rich - one shouldn;t be penalized for doing the job right...We were very lucky over the years to mostly find men like him to do our work. You pay for quality, it's true, but our reno's sold our house, and we feel that we did right by the old place. Up here we can't find anybody to do anything. We are lucky to have DS for many kinds of work.

    Oh, Sue, my DD has a service come in to feed/walk/play with Raia, the little beast, on the days she pulls the twelve hour day shift. With a 1 hour commute each way she would be gone 14 hours, too long for the pup. This occurs about 3 shifts every two weeks and is a great service for her.

    Chelone! Hey! You're doing all your JJobs in one go! I am impressed!!I was in a snit about my picky eaters last night so I marched off to the Lace Reader immediately after this morning, NOTHING was done - table not cleared, dishes left, nothing organized for TCS for school. I am discouraged. Anyone read that book "Women Who Do Too Much"? I need to find it...

    But...I did manage to grab a ticket to the Perth Christmas tour for next week. This is a tour of huge mansions, mostly very old, all decked out in their Christmas finery. It takes all day to go through the homes and I adore old houses. I haven't been in Perth long enough to know much of the history of these beautiful residences, and often during the inside tours you get lovely little bits of history that you wouldn't get otherwise. Looking forward to that immensely!

    Well. gotta run. We'll be eating out of the dog's dish if I don't do something soon!



    Today's JJob: pet beds. They are GROSS!

  • saucydog
    15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I see I have missed a birthday! Look what just opened up at my house (just in time, I might add)
    {{gwi:186097}}From Idyll Birthdays!

    Now I have to finish reading this Idyll. Sarah had her slumber party over the weekend, and I'm a little under the weather....


  • Marian_2
    15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    How nice to have 2 more Birthday pics! Julie, I love the Clematis fence! When I first saw the pic, I thought " She has Clems blooming in November"...:-)! I get a lovely Phal pic from you!

    Thanks a bunch you gals, and everyone else that posted pics and good wishes.

    I am working on grubbing out some of the grime in our house. I will definitely not get it all done. Tomorrow I will be driving Nolon to the service at the cemetary where his sis will be buried. But first, I will run to town and get my last minute groceries. Thank goodness the service is in the PM. Between the two, there will be no time for household chores tomorrow. So...weds. will be a busy day. I will need a burst of adrenalin to get all done that I hope to.


  • denisez10
    15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Not like a gal party? Folks, this is my gal party. After two brothers, then two boys of my own, working independent since 25, I've led a life sheltered from my own sex.

    Lots of cleaning going on coast to coast. The kitchen got a massive wipedown of floor, walls, cabinets. After that rain of ash, the grime was unbearable. Marty is working on the plumbing which involves going into the "netherworld," the crawl space under the house, a truly scary place, while I scrape and sand the siding and hand tools and moral support through the vent. All this work may or may not lead to the latest incarnation of the "bathhouse," pending some new unforeseen obstacle. Which is fine since it's all work that needs doing anyway. We've been eating Guiness stew all weekend, which was fabulous but I think I'm done with stew now, thank you very much. I'd never bought or handled oxtails before (much less skinned a deer!)

    We did make it to the Maltese Falcon at this gorgeous art deco theater, the {{gwi:186060}}, but the unanticipated hour of lecture (Dashell Hammett's granddaughter) and student films took its toll, and we walked out mid-picture. I'd completely forgotten I'd been up since 3:30 and hadn't stopped all day until I hit those old, hard seats. Marty was snoring softly, so definitely time to go.

    Musing out loud: Ever have a really sweet relative find an inclination for risque humor when he hits his 80s? I mean, the jokes he tells are tame by today's standards, but it's still a shock to hear them coming from this quiet Southern gentleman. No Alzheimer's, still very lucid and otherwise his old self. Must be the thrill of the transgression for him...

    Martie, I'm hoping some work shakes loose for Rich soon. Maybe temporary travel to a busier location is a possibility? And is there a busier location? New Orleans?
    I'm wondering how Nick vacated the counter, if he jumped as Sue entered the kitchen. Ein seems to understand the concept of guilt, lol. The granite fireplace will be beautiful.

    And V, my imagination comes up way short in attempting to envision how a huge pile of deer scat ended up in your kitchen, and maybe I really don't need to know, lol...I'm also thinking of something crafty for holiday cards, possibly involving including a bay leaf from my little tree. Cheesy? Be honest now.

    Saucy, email those former classmates friendly, cheery notes all winter...and then recruit them in the service of the goddesses this spring. Think of all they would learn under your direction!

    Julie, the description of the state of your kitchen this morning uncannily applied to my own. And we could swap picky eater stories all day. I think it was Ei who noted the passing of Paul Newman. His salad dressing is the only kind Duncan will use. He's called it the "happy face" dressing since he was 3, and of course that's what we put on shopping lists to this day. Hope things smooth out today.

    Speaking of Mary's beautiful totes, here's one my SIL gave me last week, that an 80ish-yr-old friend made from upholstery scraps, festooned with little glass ornaments I found at a nursery yesterday when restocking on tazetta bulbs.


  • saucydog
    15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    The smart thermostat is wi-fi and can be handled from the pc - it makes it easy to program (because they're a pain!) and it will also send you an email or phone call when you have an emergency (great for vacation or while at work....though I don't think any emergency is great). I'll be a beta tester and let you know what I think!

    I think we should all keep our thermostats set at a place that makes us happy, and that's all I'm saying on the great thermostat debate :)

    I am envious that Mary has an operational machine that she can scoot up to and crank out beautiful bags when she feels so inspired! You amaze me! Annie's trip sounds like a big one if she had to leave so early.

    Sarah had her birthday sleepover party. A total of 4 girls. They were fun. Asleep at midnight, up at 6 am. I should've had Chelone chaperone, lol!

    I've got a barky cough and sound worse than I feel, but I do feel tired. Luckily all I have to do is go spread my germs at Nick's aunt's house! Really, I won't.

    I don't let my kids sell door to door either...don't we have child labor laws in this country? I always buy the minimum, too. They did come up with a good idea this year, though: they sell pies that come in the week of Thanksgiving! Good if you don't bake, I guess.

    My I am chatty :) Just let your eyes glaze over and skip to the end :)

    Martie, I am excited about our trip to Logee's. Nothing like a trip with some Idylls to brighten up the calendar :) I like your decorations.

    I am off to sip some tea!


  • veronicastrum
    15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Woke up this morning to an inch of white stuff on the ground. My benchmark for a bad winter is snow that sticks around before Thanksgiving. Fortunately, this all melted before the end of the day. We'll see what the next few days bring; it has been colder than normal for November.

    Had a meeting out of the office this morning. Even the not-for-profit world is looking very glum these days. I'm trying to remain positive, but that's getting to be a more daunting task. Anyway, I dragged my camera to a very photogenic location only to find that it was a gray, drizzly day there with little beauty to be found out in the biting wind. But I did get pics of the finished note cards. I'll add them to the end of this post.

    Denise, let's just say that sometimes labs have appetites for rather disgusting things, but that some of those disgusting things don't agree with them. Thus, a pile of deer poop was transported into my kitchen and redeposited. Glad you asked? Want a lab?

    As for hanging the deer, I don't have all the answers. Ours hung only until this morning when it could be transported to the butcher. It will likely hang for up to two weeks there, but in a cooler instead of outside. I think that our weather is too variable to want to hang your deer at home for too long. In fact, DH opened the garage doors for a while to cool off the garage. I then asked (with a smirk) if he still wanted me to put his hunting clothes in the dryer, which vents into the garage. He decided I should wait to finish his laundry.

    Okay, here are the pics. The first is an overview of all the cards:


    And then a couple of close ups. Most of you will know where this photo was taken:


    And these milkweed pods were right off my driveway.


    The "bits and bobs" of ribbon are the result of my saving any interesting scrap of ribbon that has crossed my way over the last several years.

    DH told me today that he took a close look at the cards and was quite impressed.

    Now I shall impress him again by cleaning up a couple of his messes. He gets dispensation tonight, as he is visiting his BFF's mom, who is in rehab after a very serious stroke last month. (And DH would die of embarrassment if he knew I called his buddy his "BFF"!)


  • Marian_2
    15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    V, I am VERY impressed with your cards! The matching ribbons are an exceptionaly nice touch.

    Our Tommy made a couple of deposites in and by Nolon's chair, but they were not deer poop. LOL. Both of them were mostly catfood. Apparently he snacked on something outside that did not agree with him. Poor kitty...he seems fine now.

    Denise, I am thinking your 80 year old relative has a touch of senility. It can affect a person that way. They lose some of their inhibitions. Vulgarity is one of the things that shows up. I am sure all who knows him will understand.

    I got quite a bit of cleaning up done. I hope to start baking when we get home from the funeral tomorrow. I have 5 or 6 pie recipes I want to make, and at least one bread recipe. I want to make a molded cranberry salad also. The main meal will be cooked Thurs. forenoon, if all goes well.

    We were reminded, by a phone call from Nolon's cousin, that there is a run-off vote for county judge. I will feed us when I get back from groc shopping and then we will go vote before going to the services.


  • dodgerdudette
    15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Im now the proud owner of a Waterpik and 4 more dentist appts between now and end of Feb. I have an abscess, and we are starting on the next phase of my mouth construction project sooner than expected. Fortunately, the nature of my procedures allows them (and the $$$) to be spread out over several months. Perhaps I should consider a seminar on Dental Office Relaxation Techniques as my contribution to IU Summer Camp..

    Fog this morning and no sun today. Fog is a very common November-December weather feature all along the coast and central valley areas of our state. NO fun to drive in, and I have done many an Interstate 5 run between Nor and So Cal over Thanksgiving that was a fog shrouded mess. Those days are past thank goodness.

    Nice cards V!

    Okay, thats all for me tonight, some undone chores are calling

    Wave to all ..
    Kathy in Napa

  • dodgerdudette
    15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I won't even try to explain the convoluted and coincidenatal way I came across this photo, but it is Marties angel with wings intact. I just had to post it...

    Kathy in Napa {{gwi:186102}}From Nature

  • chelone
    15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    What a creative bunch! V., your cards are lovely (my fav. is the milk weed pods), I love the T-Day wreath, Martie, and the "festooning" on Denise's bag pleased me, too. Somehow vinyl mooring covers "festooned" with #1 spur grommets leaves me less than fulfilled.

    I will commune with Kathy this very morning as I recline supine and have plaque scratched from behind my lower incisors. I'd be all over Dental Office Relaxation Techniques; give me an OB-Gyn exam any day of the week, lol. Is the abcess painful? (tip: you can elicit some marvelous acrobatics by aiming the waterpik at unsuspecting felines).

    It's wicked windy and rather warm this morning, evidently, it's supposed to get messier as the day progresses. I will double my efforts to ensure the litter pan is kept very clean today as I suspect the Great Outdoors will have few takers. :) It will be a perfect day to get last minute items from the grocery store and then come home and push the vacuum around the Biddy Suite.

    Speaking of which... I made a call to the thrift shop and will drop off the useful clothing items on Saturday morning. I've packed the prettier ones into a bag and will ask our Meme upstairs if she might be interested in any of them. She is always grousing about the state of her wardrobe and the nursing hole staff didn't steal every nice item! Poignant discoveries in the "scarf drawer" included: my first pair of black veleveteen shoes (about 3" long!), my brother's baby shoes, his monogrammed sterling silver baby brush and comb set, and a Christmas Card I made when I was Bella's age lovingly stored in a waxed paper bag. I shed few tears, but found my mind mulling over 45 yrs. worth of memories that are now only mine. You were right, Martie, it was OK. ;)

    A dog's appetite never ceases to amaze me. Manure of all sorts seems particularly attractive to canids, either for snacking or rolling. Carrion? NO PROBLEM, pass it this way, please! I've even seen Rex steal live prey from the cats and down it in one gulp. So, V., what does regurgitated deer manure look like... a tad slimier than the stuff in the field? (time to shovel in the last of my egg, kids). ;)

    Julie, you are very dear and patient soul! Suffice it to say, had I found a completely abandonned dinner table replete with the previous meal's carnage I would NOT have cleaned it up. In fact, I would have rousted every offender from bed and told them to get busy with the clean up and consolidation. Anyone who prepares meals, serves them, and faithfully cleans up should not be treated with such "familiar" contempt and disrespect, IMO. I clean up the trail for the helpmeet who is the "chef", but that doesn't give him leave to be an unmitigated slob. A communal effort provides each of us with more free time to do things we want to do and a feeling that we're a team. Hang tough!

    I had a dear friend (now deceased) who once told me we are treated the way WE permit people to treat us. Her husband was an alcoholic and in desperation she attended an AlAnon meeting. The next time he came home and passed out on the stairs in his vomit she stepped over him and marched their kids past him on their way to school, explaining what had happened the night before. She left the vomit on the stairs for a few days, too, repeatedly telling him it was HIS mess to clean up. He finally relented and cleaned it up, attending his first AA meeting that night. Their marriage was a loving and very respectful one until her death.

    In the spirit of teamwork, I returned home yesterday to find the helpmeet diligently rounding over the sharp corners of the ballusters for the Salon's staircase. When the nasty case of itty-bitty water blisters on the backs of my hands clears up I'll be back at the pickling and clearcoating (should be gone tomorrow... thinking that dry skin, too much water, and Simple Green may have been the culprit).

    Time for the morning "mining" operation and then departure for work. Make it a productive one, you guys! and be sure to have some laughs, too.

  • gardeningmary
    15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Good morning

    I woke this morning wondering how Annie's trip to NYC was going and found myself missing her.

    Denise - the bag from SIL is great. I hope I'll still be making things when I'm in my 80' (rather than telling risque jokes.) Love the glass ornaments.

    Martie - your Thanksgiving wreath is perfect and your table will look very festive. Those things are so much fun to make and enjoy aren't they? Especially when you can use materials already stashed away. I'm keeping toes and fingers crossed something unexpected will come up for Rich to help through these hard times.

    V- those cards are fabulous!! Are destined as gifts for others or for you to send? The lotus flower is just lovely.

    Today is a yukky mix of snow and rain. But the good news is it's a half day at work. I'm planning on coming home and starting the pre-holiday clean up in earnest. I'm already psyched that the bathrooms will need little more than a quick wipe of the surfaces and a vacuum up of spiders in the powder room (I counted 6 in there this morning). After all my hard work everyone is being very diligent about keeping things neat and clean, hanging up wet towels, cleaning sinks and removing toilet paper rolls. As I'm not sure how long this will last I'll enjoy it all for the time being.

    Julie - hope those men treat you well today. I'm a great believer in telling those around me calmly but firmly how behaviour like that makes me feel. I'm sure the response will be that they didn't mean for you to feel taken for granted, unappreciated, treated like a maid, etc after all you do for them. But it's important for them to know what an impact it has. These are all teachable moments and I'm sure with your positive outlook you can use them to advantage.


  • Full_Bloom
    15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Well I'm behind again...there is so much to read and I don't want to skim!

    I'll have to catch up some more later. This chair is not comfortable on my back.

    But did want to say Thanks Denise for the Ketzel Levine story...I love that kind of humor and laughed out loud (several times).

    V - you cards are *so* really put your heart into them. They are almost too beautiful to send out...I think you should frame them somehow and give them as gifts!

    TTYL! Ei

  • gardenbug
    15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I'm at DH's office once more...searching for those laughs Chelone assigned us for today.

    The pets seem to do better making me laugh than people. Reading about Julie's Phils really makes me boil. But I guess it is about attitude, and mine is really low these days dealing with DD's & DSIL's situation, and grief still too. But Skyler's wish for a "telephone to heaven" has really touched me.

    I have finished the book on the fourteenth Dalai Lama by Picco Iyer and am now reading Lawrence Hill's The Book of Negroes which is not a bit cheery, but with my West African experiences, is certainly interesting. Both of these will be discussed in January with my book club.

    Today is a special day for a friend...her wedding day. I am happy for her too. She is having a civil ceremony, marrying a woman with a young daughter. My friend has had a terrible two years and now has a great present & future to look forward to.

    The snow has been here for ages now. It seems like March to me, drab & dreary and cold. The roads were dangerous yesterday and DH had a near miss. He said he really didn't want to drive into a ditch! On the home front, while walking Phoebe, he stared into the eyes of a muskrat who was coming in the opposite direction across a foot bridge. Fortunately the muskrat dove into the creek, not DH!

    I too enjoy the mental image of Mary on fleecy PJs registering Annie's baggage. :)

    I'll be back whenever the satellite company allows it...Sue will no doubt have her new fireplace crackling by then!

  • wendy2
    15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Good rainy morning!

    I know, I am a bad Idyller, I just realized it has been some time since I posted. I do skim through from time to time at work, but usually no time for replies. I don't get much computer time at home, there is usually someone hanging in the background waiting for their turn for some school purpose.

    Marian, I tried to post a picture for you, but darn Comcast has changed the photo stuff yet again, and I have yet to figure it out. Happy Birthday, in any case.

    V, glad you cleared that up about the deer poop. I was wondering how you could be unaware of a deer in your kitchen, especially if it paused long enough to leave a deposit.

    I want to wish all of you a nice Thanksgiving, and know that I do think of you often.


  • triple_creek
    15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hi Wendy!

    Happy Strecthed out Birthday Marian. I was hoping to get a picture up, but no such luck.

    I was so pumped up, thinking I was going to get wireless internet service and really bummed when the signal tested out to low to be of any use. CR@#P

    I want to wish you all a "Happy Thanksgiving".
    I probably won't get back here with so much prep to do.

    My eyes are driving me nuts too, so I don't want to be on the computer much right now.

    Skylar's remark is very touching Marie. If there were telephones to Heaven I imagine all the lines would be busy.

    Again, Happy Thanksgiving. Everyone enjoy. Norma

  • Marian_2
    15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    A rather tiring day. I rushed to town and got the needed groceries. Rushed back and had some 'free' time before we had to leave, so I relaxed at the computer. After lunch we went and voted in the run-off for our county judge, then headed to the cemetary for the service for Nolon's older sister. A lot of his family were there, many that we did not recognize.Those that we remembered as children are all grown and have their own children and even grandchildren. How time flies!
    When we got home I was too tired to accomplish anything, and there were no new posts to entertain me, so I snacked a little, and layed down for a late rest. Hopefully I will be rejuvenated by morning, as I have a very busy day planned.

    Wendy and Norma, it is the thoughts that count. :-)

    Happy Thanksgiving to all....I hope the company, the food, and all that goes with, it will be a blessing for all.


  • dodgerdudette
    15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Good Tuesday friends,
    One of my staff informed me that rain was to arrive at 3pm today. Other staff and I looked out the door at 3:30, no rain. He revised his prediction to 9pm. Temps are in the low 50s.
    I have totally disregarded any T-giving preps. If you were to look in fridge right now you would assume I was having lettuce, cantaloupe, parmesan cheese and grapefruit juice for dinner on Thur ! I have 4 hours of meetings tomorrow, but will try to hit Whole Foods at some point-since they are expensive they should be the least crowded. Time is money for me.

    Chelone I hope the hygienist didnt torture you too much. I must say that since I have been on my current treatment plant the cleanings have been far less painful. I have had my 3rd crown installation moved up from Dec 9th to tomorrow at 1:45. That makes two trips to the dentist in one week. Re: the abscess, I have no pain there and it was only discovered because the hygienist noticed something not quite right during my cleaning and took an x-ray. The involved tooth was one that has already been targeted for deletion, but this infection issue has moved it to an asap schedule.

    And Julie, wow..there would have been hell to pay around here for the mess encountered in the am. Might have even been a few F-Bombs flying about. Thinking Marians b-day pic may have been a segment of the wine deck ? We have a Candlelight Victorian tour here in Napa every year. I have lived here over 20 years and have yet to attend ! The date always seems to conflict with something else. Our downtown has some fabu old homes and bungalows too.

    I hope all have a fun holiday , I really look forward to doing as little as possible-Its been a long time since I have had days off that did not involve travel or chores !and Wendy, you are hereby not a Bad Idyller.

    Later everyone..

    Kathy in Napa

  • chelone
    15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Kathy, the dental practice the helpmeet and I visit is very small; the good doctor, his trusty assistant (not a hygienist, but a patient he trained for the job!), and the charming receptionist. That's it. We're all on a first name basis, having known each other for nearly 15 yrs. now. They entertained me with a thorough explanation of how dental implants are accomplished, a useful way to keep my mind off that dreadful "fingers on the chalkboard" scratching that goes (ahem) "tooth and jaw" with plaque removal. I have a deep respect for what you and Cynthia (I miss her) have committed to.

    It was a wet and wild day yesterday; wind gusts of 50 mph, coastal flooding and erosion, and several thousand power outtages etc.. Harbor Masters earned their salt yesterday. I'm not sure what the seas were yesterday, when it's very windy it's tough to judge accurately, but suffice it to say that it wasn't a fit day to be out on the water and I'll bet there will be lots of pots and gear on the beaches today. :(

    I have everything required for tomorrow's meal on premises and had little trouble fitting it in the the 'frig.. The big question is: will she or won't she make pie crust and a pumpkin pie?

    Norma, man! I'll bet you were disappointed that your move from the stone age to the space age was thwarted. is there any way to accomplish a "signal boost"? I smiled at the thought of all the 'phone lines to heaven being "busy". That's a good one.

    And a nice treat to hear from wayward Wendy! you oughta know by now that there are no recriminations for those "missing in action". ;) No one knows better than I how hard it can be to get back in the swing when time is scarce. It's just nice to see you pop in.

    I meant to say how much I enjoyed the Ketzel Levine story, too. I love "smart" journalism! And tomorrow we will hoist a glass to those reporters who refuse to "dumb down" for the mouth-breathers of the world!

    Nice to see 'bug pop in, too. I'm irritated that your satellite connection has left you isolated at a time when you least "need" it. If you concentrate really hard maybe you'll be able to pick up the messages I've been sending to you everyday?

    Julie, I have a full slate of JulieJobs on the docket for the coming long weekend. I have many ballusters to pickle (2 coats each), a few small painting jobs, and there is no shortage of cleaning that could be accomplished should the spirit move me in that direction. I hope the collective Idyll outrage was a needed dose of feminine solidarity! You rock.

    Marian, I think it's nice that you and Nolon went to the funeral. I recall how surprised I was to see the smile creases on my cousins' faces when I attended my aunt's funeral some years ago. I'd not seen them in many years, but within minutes we were laughing and remembering our parents and funny family episodes. I'm fortunate that I genuinely like all my cousins. Only the helpmeet's step-family have proven to be complete idiots, something we completely expected. There is, indeed, an ass for every seat! I suggest you toss back a couple of Geritol shooters in preparation for the holiday preparations. :)

    OK, gotta decide how to proceed with this day... I have time to kill before heading to work and I'm not really sure if I want to work a full day, either. There is no shortage of piddly things to get done here.


  • saucydog
    15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    My fridge looks like yours, Kathy! I have to figure out what to bring to the feast....I'm charged with that appetizer that no one is going to want :) I usually bring something light, and this year we're thinking proscuitto wrapped melon.

    The kids will be home at lunch time...they both are happy about that!

    I have a dentist that puts headphones on me with nice "musak" so that I can't hear what is going on...mind you, I can feel it, but no hearing makes it much better. She has a little shop on the main street and I walk to my appointments. She's the only dentist I've actually liked.

    I have been keeping busy with house and work and The Lace Reader, as well as trying to shake this chest cold that I have. For some reason, Sarah and I repeat the same chest cold over and over again, Spring and Fall. Even though I don't feel "bad" I feel tired.

    I've got a little tune stuck in my goes something like, "happy birthday to me...." :) No cards necessary....just nice to have some friendly faces to come visit without having to get out of my pj's.

    I'm almost done with TLR, so I think I'll go finish it up today!


  • Lara Noles
    15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Happy Birthday Miss Saucydog! Hope it's a great one...



  • prairiemoon2 z6b MA
    Original Author
    15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Good morning... :-)

    Thought I would post while it is quiet here. We don't get started in our pre Thanksgiving preparations until after 6pm when DH and DD arrive. It will be our first holiday without our whole family here, with DS not able to get home. It is disappointing but he will be calling tomorrow, so that helps a little. DD is making Chocolate Trifle. I will post that recipe over on the Holiday Baking thread. Our DS that will be home, has already cooked pumpkin pies, since he will be working tonight. We should have a quiet day tomorrow which I think the kids and DH will appreciate since they all have been working a lot lately. Something to be very thankful for. After dinner, there is always football, but we hope to throw in a few games. Has anyone ever played CatchPhrase? That has been one of our favorite group games. Lots of laughs.

    Hope everyone is pleasantly busy getting ready for tomorrow....looking forward to lots of holiday photos.


    Count your blessings instead of your crosses;
    Count your gains instead of your losses.
    Count your joys instead of your woes;
    Count your friends instead of your foes.
    Count your smiles instead of your tears;
    Count your courage instead of your fears.
    Count your full years instead of your lean;
    Count your kind deeds instead of your mean.
    Count your health instead of your wealth;
    Count on God instead of yourself.

    ~~Author Unknown.~~

  • gardeningmary
    15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Happy Birthday Saucy

  • prairiemoon2 z6b MA
    Original Author
    15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Saucy! Your Birthday is SO close to Thanksgiving, do you ever get gypped? [g] Well...Thanksgiving and Bees came together in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, so hope you enjoy some Birthday celebrating! I would love to know whether you asked for any garden related items for presents this year?



  • gardeningmary
    15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Good morning

    Saucy - hope you have a lovely day today and enjoy some quiet time in your PJ's this morning with your Idyll friends.

    I am feeling like a real housewife this morning having got up early, make a quick grocery run and then emptied and cleaned out all the shelves in my pantry cupboards. I also spent an entire 25 mintues (yes 25) scouring the bathtub so that is was spotless and streak free enough to match the new decor. Wow, am I glad this urge only hits once or twice a year as this sort of cleaning is exhausting and time consuming. I still have the rest of the house to dust and vacuum, guest beds to make up and then all the food to prepare (is it too early for wine?) As our guests are coming fom out of town I don't have the bonus of anyone bringing dishes. However, the cooking part is what I look forward to after the grunt work is done.

    I'm rather excited as this year I'm trying a Kugel in honor of DH's relatives who are Jewish. Looks easy and hopefully will taste good. I'm making my signature Pumpkin Cheesecake, creamed onions, cranberry orange relish, andouille sausage cornbread stuffing, roasted brussel sprouts, chipotle sweet potatoes, a big ole turkey and oodles of gravey. I'll have helping hands to chop and stir and leave all the cleanup to the troups so it should be fun.

    Our 30 year old nephew is flying in on the red-eye from LA and arrives noon Thursday. I'm keeping fingers crossed that his flights go smoothly as he has to leave again Saturday AM. When he sent details of his flight arrival I was shocked to see what he'd had to pay for the ticket and flattered that he wanted to be with us enough to make that sacrifice. He is a great young man and Annie and David adore him. One of the many things we are thankful for.

    Annie is still sleeping after an action packed couple of days in the Big Apple. They certainly had fun.

    Time to get back to the grind. I'll be stopping in during my breaks so I hope there are lots of diverting posts to entertain.


  • denisez10
    15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Sorry about the eerie flash effects. This little pot reminds me of a bee skep, which always reminds me of you ;)

    Happy birthday, Saucy.


  • jak1
    15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Happy Wednesday, everybody!

    Dreary and snowy here today, but not excruciatingly cold...

    House needs some tidying, but it's bill-paying day today (we just call it "money transfer day" - our penions get direct deposited, I pay the bills on-line. Pfft! Done in half an hour...).

    Thank you for your collective outrage directed toward the Phils...however, in their defence....we take turns here putting the little guy to bed (music practice, homework, bath, snack etc.) and cleaning up the kitchen. The other night it was my turn to do the clean-up. If I am sick or tired or going out, one of the adult Phils pitches in and takes my turn at whatever, and vice versa. But the other night I was not sick, or tired, or going anywhere, I was in a snit and just didn't take my turn. So....not excusable but maybe understandable...They did, however, pull out all of the Christmas decorations and help Adrian start his note to Santa and hang hs stocking (already! He can hardly wait!).

    I spent half an hour at the school yesterday looking for wayward mittens, snowpants (two pair gone already!) hats, fleeces etc. To no avail. His name is in everything....He came home with two pairs of the three snowpants that have gone to the school in the last week, and one pair of ski mitts without the liners...Saw the principal in the hall he asked if I had any insights on the lost stuff problem - I told him the real problem is that the kids are seven years old (grin).

    Busy week coming up. Today - music and parent-teacher interviews (report card was good). Tommorrow - DH has his physical in the town we moved from (can't find a doctor here) so I might tag along and shop..Friday Professional Development day for teachers so TCS has no school - he and his Daddy are making a gingerbread house, I am volunteering at the school book fair for three hours. Christmas stuff, volunteer stuff, trying to get an appointment to look at a very large old house for sale three blocks from here - likely a pipe-dream but...

    I will be taking out the dishes this week-end too - so a photo will be forthcoming...

    I hope you all have (or had?) a great Thanksgiving and are ready to leap right into the Christmas spirit!

    See you tomorrow...



  • chelone
    15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Oh what fun, it's going to be a newsy day. Hope you're out there, Eden! :)

    Happy Birthday, Saucy! (maybe you'll get a picture later on).

    Dishes are done. The bread for the stuffing has been dried in the oven and will be perfect tomorrow morning. Kitchen has now been "sanitized" for our protection and is ready for the next phase of Thanksgiving dinner. I am heading down to the Biddy Suite to shove the Kirby around for awhile.

    The Phils should have atoned for inciting your frustration by cleaning the table. But it does seem they've somewhat redeemed themselves... we ladies have to stand shoulder to shoulder, Julie. :) Lol about the real problem is they're 7 yrs. old, pretty funny. I hope the pricipal laughed, too.

  • Monique z6a CT
    15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Happy birthday Saucy and happy belated birthday Marian!!

    I'm hopelessly behind with birthdays, so I'd thought I should at least chime in with non-photo birthday wishes at the very least. I don't seem to have time to find, crop and upload photos lately.

    We're off to my mom's tomorrow where we'll hopefully see my brother and his family for the 1st time in 1 1/2 years. Long story.

    Happy Turkey day to everyone!