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Antsy: ready to winterize! (but need help first) :-D

So I made a beginner's mistake. I thought that I read that you should mulch up your roses after the first few frosts. A week before I left to visit my in laws for Thanksgiving, I added a huge heap of mulch to each of my thorny babies. While waiting on turkey, I reread the article on winterizing, I realized my mistake.

Thankfully, I got home right in time. There was only a little bit of mold.

Now I am really paranoid and insecure about when to winterize! There's a whole bunch of cedar mulch in my garage waiting to be used and I am antsy to get them protected.

Kansas City has had a reasonable winter thus far. In December the average high was 42 and average low 26. January has had an average high of 39 and average low of 22. Last Friday was a high of 62 but then later that weekend the high was 32! Roller coaster of temperatures-- not sure how to protect them.

Any suggestions as to when I should prune and put my mulch out? My roses still have their leaves (please see photo included). Shouldn't I put it on when there is no snow? I don't like the idea of all making them susceptible to mold with all of that moisture.

Thank you in advance for your two cents.

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