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Do you miss manners?

I'm appalled lately by the number of very *nice* people out there, literally out there, not just on forum posts, but in person, on facebook, on the phone, who completely ignore a compliment. (The polite and correct thing to do is to simply say thank you. And maybe add something like, "What a nice thing to say" if you feel like it. Babbling about not being worthy is an insult to the payer of the compliment. It's in Miss Manners. Once said, you're free to segue the conversation as you wish, usually away from yourself.)

I really dislike lapses in civility, especially when they're so easy to observe and this particular one seems especially rampant and glaring lately. It's not like you're expected to send a card (unless, of course, the compliment was received in the mail. Then mitigating circumstances within the particular relationship would dictate proper decorum.)

When do you miss Miss Manners?

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