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RdV is first bloom to open

15 years ago

Well, who'd have thought a Hybrid Perpetual would be the first rose to bloom in my garden this spring? It's true though, 'Reine des Violettes' popped one open yesterday, followed immediately by 'Pink Gruss an Aachen' & 'Valentine'.

I have a new digital camera. My old Canon, may it rest in peace, took excellent pictures, but it was expensive. So I've "downsized" to a Kodak EasyShare 10 MP. These are my first pictures I've taken with this pocket-sized camera.


'Reine des Violette' bloom taken this afternoon. There was lots of color blending going on in this bloom, and I think the camera picked them up pretty well. And, of course, there's that trademark RdV button eye.



My new band rose arrival from Vintage, recently potted up. 'Marie Pavie'. Really proud of this "California" rose (okay, French, but you know what I mean). Sassy politely stepped into the photo to allow for size perspective for just what a nice size this little band rose is. Yes, it has buds, and no, I won't be pinching them off.


I planted this 'HF Young' clematis last fall. This photo was taken this afternoon. Doesn't it look great already? It took my other clematis 3 years to be this big. I thought clematis must be the slowest plant on earth to get established, but maybe not? Can you see the buds?


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