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Seeded Fescue a week ago: Water once a day? Less?

Hi. I live in Athens, GA. I seeded fescue in mid september and watered` 2-3 times a day and got good germination, but it all eventually died because we still were having 95 degree temps for long (10 day) stretches.

So I went ahead and seeded again about a week ago. We had a huge rain a day or so before I seeded so I was starting with a nice, moist soil. With the cooler temps (averaging around 40 at night and 65 during day, + or - 10 degrees) and overcast days typical of early November in Georgia, I'm obviously not having to water nearly as much to keep the soil moist. I've only watered once a day so far and have to say that even when I do water every day, the soil is already moist to the touch.

Beyond comments that it was too late to seed (since I already did), would the forum suggest that I continue to water once a day, water more often even if the soil appears moist, or water only when the soil feels dry to the touch?

I should know in another week or so if the seed germinates, and if it does I'll cut back a bit on the watering, but I would love advice on how much to water in these cooler temps. THANKS!!

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