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If there is a next life..,

11 years ago

If there is a next life, I wish I could leave a reminder to myself to go to a trade school before doing anything else after highschool.

So fare this morning: trod to Walmart to get a valve for the upstairs toilet and repair. Husband needs it about once an hour and can't negotiate the stairs to use the one downstairs. While at it, install a new flap. Plumbing course.

Due to the drought, the back screen door don't want to close again. Slammed it shut, broke the lock, so off I go again to get a new doorlock at above Walmart. Does that fall under a locksmith major?

Friday I had to re-wire a lamp. Need to become an electrician, can't count the many times I had to repair electrical stuff.

And somebody needs to repair the shed door, fallen out knots weakend the edge of it and it needs to be cut out and a new corner put in. Have not figured out yet how to do this, a course in joinery is needed.

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