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Silly dog videos

12 years ago

My girls make me laugh hard several times a day each, but I managed to get quick videos of both dogs being silly today and thought I'd share.

Tallulah (who's over a year now) has been obsessed with the wasps out back for the last several days. In spite of my corrections (and theirs, I'm sure), she cannot be dissuaded from barking at them and biting them out of the air. Exasperated, I let her do what she wanted today, thinking natural consequences may cure her. Apparently, she wanted to knock down their nest and eat their larvae. No dogs were harmed in the making of the video. Can't say the same for the wasps, but then I guess we've established that I'm an insecticidal maniac. ;o)

A friend I shared this with earlier today pointed out that she bears a striking resemblance to a Honey Badger. WARNING: Honey Badger video is very funny, but also contains salty (rated PG-13/R-ish) language.

Later, while enjoying a lemonade on the front patio with a good friend, I discovered what's been happening to all my low-hanging tomatoes. (Izzy!)

Dorph, how are things at your house? As crazy as things are here, I bet they're 10x more so at your place (though, technically, you "only" have 6x more dogs than I at the moment)! Feel free to share any video documentation of the insanity. (That goes for all of you.) :o)

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