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Stung by numerous Yellowjackets, dagnabit

18 years ago

Was recently posting about Hornet's nests, and minutes ago got into a Yellowjacket's nest in my front yard--thought I'd SHARE (tee-hee), as I came into the house to pull clothes and shoes off and look for more. Actually found two more--one on the seam of my Levi's, trying to sting there, and one between the laces of my boots burrowing in to try and sting me there. Tenacious little devils. Got me six times, but five through my shirt, and one on bare skin, who got UNDER the shirt. Feels like fire in all six places, but MORE fire where stung on bare skin. For those who are unaware of Yellowjacket nests, they go into a hole in the ground no bigger than a quarter, and that hole could be anywhere. I've been stung in the woods where they were going into their hole, stung in the yard, on the bare lawn, and many other places. Under that hole is generally an old mouse nest, or rabbit nest--some sort of cavity where they can have room to make combs and lay eggs and raise more Yellowjackets (and some honey to feed themselves over the Winter). This time the hole was where my front sidewalk meets Azalea bushes, off to one side. I was pulling weeds out of the Azaleas, and so many Japanese Beetles were flying about, I didn't hear the Yellowjackets. When I did, they were on my clothes and swarming all around, so I exited the location. They followed, 100 yards or so, into my neighbor's back yard, where I cut a limb off his tree with my everpresent pruners, and began fighting them off (all the while, making tracks away from the initial location). Now, I'm plotting my counterattack, as I change into other clothes. Just thought I'd warn all on the forum:

Don't daydream (as I do) when you're doing yardwork--keep your eyes open for Yellowjackets coming and going. I've never seen them go anywhere but in the ground but once, so that's no doubt where their hole will be. Y'all be careful now, ya' hear?

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