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Great new orchids

15 years ago

{{gwi:139810}}I visited Steven Christoffersen's greenhouse the other day. I was there to see his new seedlings and compots and to give him a hand getting rid of a computer virus he had.

I managed to clean the machine and I will go back to help him some more in organizing his orchid pictures. In return, he gave me two very nice Laelia anceps divisions.

The plant in the picture is Laelia anceps vestalis 'Figment' AM/AOS. It will develop the third pseudobulb and bloom during the next blooming season in the fall. Here is a link to {{gwi:139809}} of a flower from another division of the same plant.

The other plant is just as exciting. It is a cross between 'Figment' and 'Marble Queen' that Steven made. The cross is so far unbloomed but ought to bloom this year. 'Marble Queen' is white and has wider pedals.

As with any plant grown from seed, I don't know if my plant is award quality. Both parents are great plants. I will just have to wait and see.

Here is a link that might be useful: My blog

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