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plants I haven't seen posted here

17 years ago

In fact the interpretation which they give to the advantageous power of the fermented nettles aims at the presence of éliciteurs, that is to say products which trigger off and invigorate the mechanisms of defence of plants against mushrooms and pathogenic. The juice of nettles would also have mailmen antifongiques. All at once there would be an action stimulating on the hormonal answers controlling growth. The plants of our gardens which seem healthy and vigorous in our looks are always more or less covered with mushrooms and with microbes, that we do not see but presence of which is normal. Defences of a healthy plant, principally chemical order, succeed in holding commensaux or pathogenic visitors in respect, otherwise it is illness, necrosis, etc. The nettle (Urtica dioica) fabricates an acting agglutinine as lectine and as chitinase on the compounds of the wall The nettle (Urtica dioica) fabricates an acting agglutinine as lectine and as chitinase on the compounds of the wall of the mushrooms which bother them. Gene was cloned and expressed in tobacco

To deal against: Mildew, oïdium, rusts, cochineal insects fermented equisetum arvense: 1,2 kg of fresh equisetum arvense or 200 g of dried plants for 12 l of water. put them in a bag tied to a stone for 10 - 15 days at the bottom of the barrel (it is ready when no foam is seen). The liquid is better diluted before use in 5 times its volume of water. Add 0,5 % of soft soap to slurry and use as repellent against the red and yellow spider mites and aphids? it is also possible to water the soil several times a year with a diluted solution of equisetum arvense to stimulate the natural defenses of the plants against fungal diseases

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