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Arbutus unedo-The Strawberry Tree

Bradybb WA-Zone8
9 years ago

I found these growing in Seattle on the east side of Lake Union,the small body of water that joins Lake Washington and Puget Sound.
They are not too common here,from my experience.I think most people plant them as an ornamental,because the fruit's taste is nothing outstanding.This is a little of what Wikipedia reports:The fruit is edible, though many people find it bland and mealy; the name 'unedo' is explained by Pliny the Elder as being derived from unum edo "I eat one",which may seem an apt response to the flavour.
To me the flavor is blandly sweet,with a pasty texture and numerous,tiny hard (seeds?).I'd not plant one for the fruit alone.There are much better choices for a space,but they are nice looking plants and one of the few that have ripe fruit this time of year.
I picked some and will try to run them through a fruit strainer. Brady


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