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spray plan for apples for next year

had pest and apple rust problems for the 1st time this year. been researching pest control plans for next year. most of my info comes from an integrated pest management program designed by the University of MN.

I have apple maggots, codling moth, and scab. already doing the hygiene things.

Looking for recommendations on specific brands/products for the pest control sprays. from reading looks like I need captan, lime-sulfur, or powdered or wettable sulfur for the scab (no idea which one is best) plus esfenvalerate or malathion for insects.

also looks like a combined product could be used after petal fall.

Several notes said not to use a product with carbaryl during bloom.

I've also seen references to a "dormant oil" application but don't know what it is or what it's supposed to do.

finally; I have only about 1/2 dozen bearing trees but have 60 more (various types) that should start bearing next year or maybe the following so I'm hoping to get a handle on this the next 2 years.

suggestions or additional references for study would be greatly appreciated.

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