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Surround and footies

14 years ago

This spring I put footies on many of the apples on my Liberty and agressively sprayed with Surround mixed with Monterey Garden Spray (spinosad).

I can see no advantage to the footies, and there is no evidence I can see that the Surround slowed down codling moth at all. (I'm lucky in that cm is my worst insect pest).

However, a "fair" number of my apples are cm free this year for the first time in years, and even damaged apples have less severe penetration. I'm crediting the spinosad.

But Surround is a pain. It's ugly to look at, makes the tree unpleasant to work in, and not only is it hard to clean off, it makes it hard to judge ripeness in the fruit. And the footies are ridiculous to look at, and also obscure the fruit and can be hard to remove.

So as far as I'm concerned neither Surround nor footies are particularly worthwhile. Spinosad, aggressively sprayed at the beginning of cm emergence and succeeding generations, does appear to help. And I'm hopeful that each year will see an improvement as overwintering larvae are reduced. I'll still have neighborhood trees to worry about, of course.


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